Instructionally Related Activities Funds Request Summary

Project SponsorLudvika Popenhagen
Activity TitleStage Combat and Fight Choreography
Activity/Event DateNovember 4 and 6, 201 4
Date Funding Needed ByAugust 2014
Previously Funded?No
Proposal #
Report submitted for previously Funded Activity?
Report submitted for previously Funded Activity
Academic Program or Center NamePATH (Performing Arts - Theatre)
Estimated total Course Fee revenue0
Amount Requested from IRA$1,300
Estimated Number of Students Participating80 (Lecture) + 20 (Workshop) + 80 (demonstration audience)
Conditions and ConsiderationsArtist/Performer/Speaker Fees & Honoraria
Brief Activity DescriptionThis request for IRA funding is for certified fight-master, stunt performer and choreographer, Cam DeVictor, to provide a guest lecture and lead a workshop for PA students, as well as other CI students interested in physical performance.

Cam is a professional actor who works in theatre and film in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York. In addition to acting character roles in comedies and dramas, Cam is a specialist in unarmed combat, shield and sword (large and rapier), acrobatics, pratfalls, and leaps.

Cam is also an experienced workshop leader who trains professional and student actors in a safe environment to perform in live and filmed productions of classics (e.g., Shakespeare’s histories and tragedies), realistic modern dramas, contemporary comedies, operas, and TV commercials. A sample of his work and skills are available in this brief demo reel:

The lecture, workshop, and demonstration will take place during class for PATH 480 Acting III: Performance Styles, a new course starting in Fall 2014. The class will meet for three hours twice a week in MA 140. Enrollment in this class will be open to all CI students interested in stage acting; the only prerequisite will be Junior standing. As a result the cross-section of CI students benefiting from this IRA-funded activity will be potentially far-reaching.

Program for Day 1: a 1-hour lecture and 2-hour workshop.
The lecture will introduce fight choreography and stunt-work, and will include a live demonstration and film clips. The audience size for this lecture will be approx. 80 (which is the seating capacity in MA 140). After the lecture Cam will lead a workshop on stage combat techniques (maximum workshop enrollment will be 20 students). Acting III students will have priority to enroll in the workshop; however, other CI students will be able to enroll if there will be fewer than 20 Acting III students. Given the nature of this workshop, it will be closed to spectators and visitors. Any students in Acting III not wishing to participate in this workshop for medical reasons will be excused, and their place will become available to another CI student.

Program for Day 2: Workshop and public demonstration
On day 2 the workshop will continue and conclude in a public demonstration under Cam’s supervision. Students will perform scenes from classic plays where they will apply/demonstrate fight techniques (free-hand and/or sword-play) learned in the workshop. The demonstration will take place in the final hour of the workshop, and it will be open to CI students, faculty, and staff.

Prior to the lecture and workshop Risk Management will be consulted to discuss any emotional or physical reactions to stage combat that might be of concern to participants or audience members.
Learning Outcomes and Relation to IRA to Course OfferingsPATH 480 Acting III: Performance Styles students will directly benefit from this activity. Upon completion of this activity students will be able to:
• Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of certain fight techniques used in live theatre
• Demonstrate the warm-up process required to prepare for stage fighting
• Appreciate the amount of work and detailed preparation necessary to choreograph and perform stage fighting movements and routines safely and successfully
• Demonstrate and identify stage fighting skills that are applicable to both realistic and non-realistic plays.

Other classes and students to benefit from this IRA-funded activity include:
Bus/PA 335 Business and Performing Arts – students will appreciate training and employment opportunities for professional actors working in theatre and film.
ENGL/PATH World Drama and Theatre – students will appreciate physical performance techniques featured in non-western performance.
PA 101 Introduction to the Performing Arts, and PA 202 Integrating Dance, Music, and Theatre – students will obtain first-hand information about physically-based professional performance
ART/PA 391 Production – students will learn specialized skills useful for performance
PADA 255 Dance Composition and Choreography – students will learn specialized skills useful for Dance
PATH Acting I – students will realize performance opportunities and skills required of professional actors
PSY 436 Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures – students will appreciate actual fight techniques applicable to their own course work
ENGL/PATH 480 Shakespeare’s Plays – students will appreciate skills necessary to perform stage fighting while speaking elevated and poetic text.
Description of Assessment ProcessThe students in PATH 480 Acting III: Performance Styles will be required to write a short review/summary of the lecture and workshop to describe what they learned and how the information provided by the guest speaker and workshop leader was relevant to their course work. A questionnaire will be distributed to the lecture attendees requesting their reactions to a specialized performer of this nature, and how it benefited their course work. Audience members at the demonstration/performance at the end of the workshop will be requested to complete a questionnaire evaluating the performance.
Activity Budget13-14-ira-regularbudget.xlsx (MS Excel)
CIA Budget
CIA Proposal
Course Syllabus
CIA Certification
Other Sources of FundingThere are no other sources of funding.
Target Audience/Student MarketingThe intended audience for the guest lecture are CI students whose classes could benefit from the knowledge provided by the speaker, and will be open to all CI students, staff, and faculty.

Intended participants for the workshop are students enrolled in Acting III: Performance styles. These will include PATH majors and students from other CI disciplines, as this new course will be open to all CI students who have junior standing or higher. There are no other prerequisites for Acting III: Performance Styles.

The activities for this event will be advertised to students via flyers, posters, the library TVs, the TVs at the Student Union, on the CI homepage, the Performing Arts homepage, and other social media, such as the Performing Arts Facebook page.

Bring Benefit to CampusAt the end of the workshop the students enrolled in the workshop will demonstrate the stage fighting techniques learned. This demonstration will be open to the campus community. The students attending the lecture, participating in the workshop, and viewing the demonstration will be able to integrate this information into their own disciplines. The Acting III students will be able to incorporate the stage combat techniques into their end-of-semester projects.
SustainabilityThe activities will be announced via social media, such as the PA website Events page, the PA Facebook page, twitter, the Broome Library TVs, and at student housing.
Program Chair/Directorluke.matjas
Academic Affairs AVPkaren.carey
AcknowledgementI acknowledge that I have reviewed and accepted the Conditions and Considerations herein. Please check off boxes as appropriate.

Program Chair/Director Approval

ApprovalI approve the IRA Funds Request described on this page
NameLuke Matjas
Date/Time3/1/2014 11:12:56 AM

Academic Affairs AVP Approval

ApprovalI approve the IRA Funds Request described on this page
NameKaren Carey
Date/Time3/2/2014 8:06:25 AM
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