Operation Ready Ventura County

In collaboration with the Ventura County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services, Ventura County Fire Protection District, and Ventura County Emergency Medical Services, CI participated in a three-day full scale preparedness exercise titled, “Operation Ready Ventura County.” The exercise scenario was a catastrophic 7.0 earthquake that caused significant damage in Ventura County, specifically to the CI campus.

Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services first responders encountered a number of simulated injured victims at the CI campus requiring rescue, triage and transport to a temporary hospital facility on campus. Numerous other non-injured victims were evacuated and transported by local transportation operators from the CI campus to a Red Cross non-traditional shelter that was setup at Freedom Park near Camarillo Airport. Several local and LA news media outlets covered the event on campus.

The purpose of the exercise was to test four areas of responsibility: Mass Evacuation, Reception Processing, Mass Care and Shelter, and Commodity Points of Distribution. On Thursday, Jan. 16 the exercise will focus on commodity points of distribution and the process for providing potable water during a disaster. During the exercise, responders will test the regions ability to transport potable water and maintain the integrity of this water in portable water bladders.

Everyone is encouraged to get prepared for emergencies by visiting www.readyventuracounty.org.

For additional information contact Maggie Tougas, Emergency Manager, at maggie.tougas@csuci.edu.

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© Wavelength January 16, 2014

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