
A rubric has been developed to evaluate UNIV 392 courses by the members of the CIA Advisory Board. This rubric covers all the different aspects that need to be addressed in the course proposal. It also helps faculty members understand the level of expectations in all the different items that need to be covered in the proposal. The rubric emphasizes the importance of detailed information and preparation (as it pertains, for example, to the syllabus, the activities planned during the travel portion of the course, the itinerary, the budget, etc.). It also highlights the importance of safety and security and it values courses that build in other high-impact practices and/or other university mission pillars, as well as those that integrate assessment activities that align well with GE outcome 1.1.b (integrate content, ideas, and approaches from national and international perspectives).

UNIV 392 Evaluation rubric

1.The course syllabus includes all required elements (Policy SP07-16), including student learning outcomes, required assignments, readings, attendance, course participation policies, etc.

2 (excellent)All course elements are included, providing detailed information about student learning outcomes, assignments, grading rubrics, attendance and course participation policies, etc
1 (good)All course elements are included, providing enough information about student learning outcomes, assignments, grading rubrics, attendance and course participation policies, etc
0 (incomplete)All or some course elements are not included, for instance, information about student learning outcomes, assignments, grading rubrics, attendance and course participation policies, etc

2.Course activities and the travel itinerary support student learning outcomes.

2 (excellent)There is a strong connection between course activities (and travel itinerary) and the proposed student learning outcomes.
1 (good)There is a connection between course activities (and travel itinerary) and the proposed student learning outcomes.
0 (incomplete)There is not much of a connection between course activities (and travel itinerary) and the proposed student learning outcomes

3. The itinerary and course activities are detailed and clear.

2 (excellent)The itinerary is very detailed and clear, specifying day by day all planned activities (all cultural visits, meal times, down time,transportation arrangements when going from place to place, etc.). It includes approximate duration for each activity.
1 (good)The itinerary is detailed and clear, specifying day by day most planned activities.
0 (incomplete)The itinerary is not detailed. Activities are not clear enough (e.g. too many activities unrealistic to achieve in one day, or too few activities with too much down time).

4. The course includes cultural activities that provide students with an understanding of the host culture. For 3-unit courses, the level of cultural activities should be enough to fulfill the multicultural graduation requirement.

2 (excellent)The course proposal and the itinerary include activities that provide students with a deep understanding of the host culture.
1 (good)The course proposal and the itinerary include activities that provide students with an understanding of the host culture.
0 (incomplete)The course proposal and the itinerary does not include activities that provide students with an understanding of the host culture.

5. The lead faculty member (and co-instructor, if applicable) plays an active role during the course (engaging and participating in activities with students), and provides expertise on the country and on his/her area of research/teaching during the course.

2 (excellent)The lead faculty member provides all the academic content of the course and engage students in activities that align with the proposed student learning outcomes.
1 (good)The lead faculty member organizes (but does not teach) the academic content of the course and provides students with activities that align with the proposed student learning outcomes.
0 (incomplete)The lead faculty member plays a passive role most of the time during the course and third party providers offer most of the course content and activities.

6. Budget is as reasonable as possible without compromising student learning outcomes and students’ safety (recommended maximum average of $300 per day per student, not including tuition). Naturally, some countries are more expensive than others, but the budget should still be reasonably priced in order to allow as many students as possible to apply for this course.

2 (excellent)Budget is very reasonable without compromising student learning outcomes and students’ safety allowing most students to apply to this course.
1 (good)Budget is reasonable without compromising student learning outcomes and students’ safety allowing many students to apply to this course.
0 (incomplete)Budget is not reasonable or it compromises student learning outcomes and students’ safety.

7. Budget is detailed and accurate, specifying the price for each activity organized for the course.

2 (excellent)The budget includes detailed and actual (researched) prices in all the different budget categories. It specifies actual (researched) prices for each activity (e.g. specifying each museum visit, each tour, each cultural activity and their respective prices), transportation used plane, train, bus tickets, etc.), housing (including different lodging options with specific names and prices), group meals, etc.
1 (good)The budget includes detailed and estimated (reasonable) prices in all the different budget categories. It specifies estimated reasonable) prices for most activities, transportation used, housing, group meals, etc.
0 (incomplete)The budget includes general estimated prices in the different budget categories or proposed prices are unrealistic.

8. All measures have been taken to ensure, to the extent possible, participants’ safety and security (accommodations, emergency preparedness, drug and alcohol policies, etc.).

2 (excellent)Faculty member is highly familiar with the site. Also, the faculty member has developed a detailed plan in case of emergency. Transportation and housing arrangements are safe.
1 (good)Faculty member is familiar with the site. Also, the faculty member has developed a plan in case of emergency. Transportation and housing arrangements are safe.
0 (incomplete)Faculty member is not very familiar with the site. The faculty member has not included a plan in case of emergency. Transportation and/or housing arrangements may not be safe.

9. The course includes another high-impact practice or other mission pillars (student research, service learning, interdisciplinarity, etc.)1

2 (excellent)In addition to the study abroad experience, the course includes two or more other high-impact practices or other mission pillars (student research, service learning, interdisciplinarity, etc.)
1 (good)In addition to the study abroad experience, the course includes another high-impact practice or other mission pillar student research, service learning, interdisciplinarity, etc.)
0 (incomplete)The course does not include any other high-impact practice or other mission pillar.

10. The course integrates assessment activities that align with GE outcome 1.1.b (Integrate content, ideas, and approaches from national and international perspectives)

2 (excellent)The course integrate assessment activities that align very well with GE outcome 1.1.b (i.e., Integrate content, ideas, and approaches from national and international perspectives).
1 (good)The course integrate assessment activities that align well with GE outcome 1.1.b (i.e., Integrate content, ideas, and approaches from national and international perspectives).
0 (incomplete)The course does not integrate assessment activities that align well with GE outcome 1.1.b (i.e., Integrate content,ideas, and approaches from national and international perspectives).

11. Before departure students have been adequately prepared and informed regarding course content, course policies, and information about the country.

2 (excellent)The faculty member has prepared students very well before their departure, including extensive information about the course content, course policies, and information about the country (through regular class meetings or a series of orientation sessions).
1 (good)The faculty member has prepared students well before their departure, including sufficient information about the course content, course policies, and information about the country (through regular class meetings or a series of orientation sessions).
0 (incomplete)The faculty member has not prepared students well before their departure, including insufficient information about the course content, course policies, and information about the country.

1A written agreement is needed when using third-party providers (e.g. universities, language schools, organizations that provide service learning opportunities, etc.). Please, review EO-1080 and EO-1081.

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