Message from the Provost

Charting Our Course will be a six-month campus-wide, strategic planning exercise to identify which degrees and academic programs we will prioritize creating through the rest of this decade. As we reimagine the future of Channel Islands, we will also grapple with fundamental questions regarding our identity, our mission, and our aspirations. While the academic planning will be faculty-driven, all members of the CSUCI community, including staff, students, and other stakeholders, will have ample opportunity to participate.

Working with stakeholders across campus, we are implementing a multi-phased approach that will including data gathering, feedback and engagement opportunities, faculty teams, and campus-wide forums. Look for opportunities for engagement and to make your voice heard. We’ll be talking with faculty, students, and our stakeholders in the community.

I look forward to working with you to set the course for Channel Islands, not only for this decade, but for decades to come.

Good things ahead!

Provost Avila signature
Mitch Avila, Ph.D.
California State University Channel Islands

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