CSUCI’s Green Revolving Fund (GRF) supports investment in efficiency projects. The GRF enables the campus to invest in energy efficiency and water conservation projects that will save costs and reduce CI’s environmental impact. The best part is that the savings generated from these projects will be reinvested into the fund, allowing us to continue making green investments and further reducing CI’s operating costs.
GRF Mission
The mission of CSUCI’s GRF is to reduce utility expenses, conserve resources, engage students in sustainability, and achieve CSUCI’s sustainability goals.
How the Green Revolving Fund Works
Typical Projects
The most commonly funded categories include:
- Lighting Retrofits
- HVAC Improvements
- Equipment/Appliance Replacement
- All Types of Commissioning
- Behavior Change Campaigns
- Building/Lighting Controls
- Building Envelope Improvements
- Renewable Energy
Submit a GRF Proposal
All CSUCI students, staff, faculty, administrators, and departments that have an idea that will make CSUCI a more sustainable place are invited to make a difference by applying for a loan from the GRF. Seniors who are graduating must submit a plan for who will be taking the project on after they leave.
Proposal Size/Funding Levels
Proposals of all sizes are welcome, from $100 one-time purchases to multi-year programs requiring tens of thousands of dollars. GRF loan requests cannot exceed the total available balance of the GRF.
The total available fund balance for Fall 2024 is $241,399.
- All projects must be able to pay back 120% of the loan amount within 5 years of implementation.
- Projects must have clear goals and show how they will reduce utility expenses for energy, water, and/or waste.
- Projects must be implemented on campus.
- Must demonstrate a payback period of 5 years or less.
- All submissions must include savings estimates and calculation methodology (estimates may be verified by utility companies for incentive-eligible projects or verified by a second reviewer).
- Proposals that exceed $25,000 may be requested to provide a 10-minute presentation (see the Proposal Presentation section below) about their proposal.
Proposal Presentation
All proposal authors are invited to have a 30-minute discussion about your idea with facilities services. For proposals that exceed $25,000, the authors may be requested to provide a 10-minute presentation about their final proposal. Proposal authors will be contacted to arrange presentations.
Application Process
Access the Green Revolving Fund Application:
To prepare for your GRF application, please review the GRF Application Guide:
FY 24-25 GRF Application Guide
Approval Process
Proposals/applications are collected by the Sustainability Office and will be reviewed by the Sustainability & Energy Director along with the Assistant Vice President of Facilities Services. Proposals requesting ≥ $25,000 that are approved by the reviewers will then be presented to Cabinet for final approval.
Application Deadline
All proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. on the designated submission deadlines. All applicants are welcome to contact the Sustainability Office to request an extension if additional time is needed to prepare your application. Extensions may be granted, when possible, but are not guaranteed.
Fall Submissions Deadline: October 15th
Spring Submissions Deadline: March 15th
Summer Submissions Deadline: July 15th
Benefits of Creating a GRF Project
- Engage with the CSUCI campus to address meaningful challenges.
- Opportunity to partner with community groups or utility providers.
- Implement change and invest in sustainable solutions.
- Hands-on, high-impact learning.
- Opportunity for undergraduate research and creative activity.
- Potential to create a lasting impact on campus.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is/isn’t eligible for funding?
As a result of the low seed funding for our GRF, we are unable to support projects that do not provide a rapid return on investment at this time. All projects must demonstrate a financial return within five years of implementation to be eligible for funding. Projects that do not have a financial return are encouraged to apply for funding through the annual budget process, Strategic Resource Planning Committee, MSFT, or other funds.
Who can apply?
All CSUCI students, staff, faculty, administrators, and departments are encouraged to apply.
When can I apply?
Fall Submissions Deadline: October 15th
Spring Submissions Deadline: March 15th *deadline extended to April 15th*
Summer Submissions Deadline: July 15th
I missed the deadline. Can I still submit?
Yes! Please contact the Sustainability Office if additional time is needed to prepare your application.
Can first-year students apply?
Yes! First-year students are encouraged to apply. Getting involved on campus is something that every student should consider. Contributing to social and economic progress in the community will be an experience of a lifetime.
Can seniors apply?
Yes! Seniors are encouraged to apply. Seniors who are graduating must submit a plan for who will be taking the project on after they leave.
How much funding is available?
CSUCI has established a one-time seed fund to allow for investment in efficiency and conservation projects. The balance of the fund will ebb and flow as loans are issued and repaid. The current fund balance can be viewed on the university’s GRITS account. Link coming soon!
How much time do I have to complete the project?
Projects must be completed within one year of funding approval. If more time is needed to complete the project, please consult with the Office of Sustainability.
I have a proposal and need help with writing. Who can I contact?
Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Learning Resource Center located on the second floor of the Broome Library in room 2760 for writing assistance.
I have a proposal and need help with the application process, project eligibility, or calculating savings. Who can I contact?
Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the Sustainability Office for assistance with the application process, project eligibility, or calculating savings.
I submitted a proposal. When can I expect to hear back?
The process for reviewing proposals may take 10-20 working days.
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
If you have any questions, please contact the Sustainability Office by emailing sustainableci@csuci.edu or call 805-437-3232.