The School of Arts and Sciences (A&S) STEAM Carnival is a FREE event for the public that will be held from 1 - 5 PM on Saturday, March 8, 2025 in the South Quad at CSU Channel Islands campus. Parking and attendance at the STEAM Carnival is FREE. Park in lot A3 on the campus located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA!
Campus Map
We ask that you register to indicate your interest in attending this event.
Register To Attend Now!
View a Map of the STEAM Carnival and Locations of Activities
The A&S STEAM Carnival is open to PreK - 12th grade students and their families. Families can sign up for a campus tour by visiting the Photograph Your Future booth run by CSUCI Admissions and Outreach in the Tomorrowland Zone.
Students ranging from pre-school through high school will be able to:
- Experience hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Humanities/Social Science, and Mathematics (STEAM) activities run by volunteers from CSU Channel Islands and the community
- Get to know STEAM organizations in our community
- Explore college majors and learn about careers
- Discover the CSU Channel Islands campus through campus tours
This A&S STEAM Carnival is funded through generous funding provided by the School of Arts and Sciences and a CSU Channel Islands Instructionally-Related Activities grant. Additional support for the STEAM Carnival is provided by CSUCI's Arts and Sciences and a Title III US Department of Education Grant.
The STEAM Carnival was formerly known as the CSU Channel Islands Science Carnival, an event that was held in Oxnard, CA, through March 2020.
Register now to attend the 2025 A&S STEAM Carnival on March 8, 2025.
CSU Channel Islands (CI) student demonstrates the effect of liquid nitrogen on a balloon at the annual A&S STEAM Carnival
We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the STEAM Carnival: