High School Students

Get ready for college! The CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) gives high school juniors an early signal of their readiness for college level coursework and helps prepare in their senior year. There are three opportunities to demonstrate that students are academically ready for University level mathematics and English coursework:

  1. CAASPP: The CSU will use the CAASPP results to determine your EAP status. Test results can be found on the back of the CAASPP report. The CAASPP report is mailed to your home and addressed to your parent and/or guardian during the summer prior to the start of your senior year. Please visit our Counselor page for more details.
    Please note: when taking the test, you are prompted to release your scores to the California State University, the California Community College, or both. The CSU encourages you to release your scores to both the CSU and the CCC.
  2. Multiple Measures: The second opportunity is your 12th Grade academic preparation work. You can meet any of the coursework and GPA threshold combinations noted in the multiple measures criteria during your senior year of high school. While it is no longer required for admission to the UC or CSU, if you choose to take the ACT or SAT tests, you may still report your scores for consideration in course placement.

  3. Early Start Program: The third opportunity, if you do not meet the criteria for the first two opportunities, is to take general education math and/or written communication courses with support elements when you arrive at your CSU campus. You may also need to participate in the summer Early Start Program.

Junior Year Testing 

In the spring of junior year, students will take the CAASPP exam at their high schools. The results indicate current level of academic preparation in mathematics and writing. Juniors are still strongly encouraged to enroll in the most academically rigorous senior-year English and senior-year math that matches their current preparation. (The CAASPP is NOT used for admission purposes)

Senior Year Coursework

Once students understand their scores and their current level in English and Math, students will use those results to direct them toward rigorous senior year coursework to appropriately prepare them for college.

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