This site is dedicated to current, incoming, and prospective undocumented students that seek support for their emotional, social and educational transition at CI.

About the AB 540 Task Force

Members of the CI community have developed a task force to provide education to staff, faculty and student leaders on the needs and current issues facing AB 540 students and policies that affect their lives. We have made strides in becoming a progressive and proactive University dedicated to the student-centered mission of our University for all students, including our undocumented population.

List of CI Allies for Undocumented Students

Please note this list will continually be added to, and that you have allies that have not had the ability to take the training yet. You will find that members of the CI community embrace our mission and value inclusivity.

AB 540 Training

The training we provide results in a Safe Zone key (shown below) that can be identified on doors of individuals that can assist you. If we do not have the answer, we can direct you to someone who does have the answer. Most importantly, we are your support system as you need us.

If you are interested in becoming a Safe Zone for AB 540 students, please fill out the following form to receive information regarding upcoming training sessions:

AB 540 Safe Zone Training Contact Form

For training outside of CI, please visit:

Admissions & Financial Assistance
CI Support Information
Community Resources
DREAMers (AB 540 Student Club)
California State Laws
Online Resources