Take Payment for Goods and Services Online at CI 

Transact-CashNet eMarket is a service which enables official University organizations and auxiliaries of CI to collect revenue online for events, donations, and other special purposes from members of the community.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about eMarket

Read the complete FAQ...

Requesting a new eMarket site

Please fill out the CI eMarket Request Form (in MS Word format) and email it to cashnet@csuci.edu. Please provide at least 4 weeks of lead time prior to launch of your payment site; implementation of a new eMarket site typically takes 4-6 weeks from the submission of a completed eMarket Request Form. 

Read the complete FAQ...

Campus Contact

For general questions or assistance with the eMarket system, please email cashnet@csuci.edu. Support for CashNet eMarket is administered by CI Budget and Fiscal Services

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