The Springs fire, which occurred early in May 2013, completely surrounded the campus and burnt much of the above-ground vegetation. The list below consists of 50 bird species known to occur on campus, with the majority being casually observed post-fire. A strategic study to quantify the avian diversity at CI began in October 2013. As monitoring proceeds a more accurate count of avian biodiversity will be established. With vegetation recovery it is expected that more species will return and this initial list will likely more than double.
Degrees of occurrence are based on casual observations from 2005 by Dr. A. Chapman.
C = COMMON, easily seen in proper habitat
FC = FAIRLY COMMON, usually seen in proper habitat
U = UNCOMMON, difficult to find or occurs in low numbers in proper habitat
Timing of occurrences is from Ventura Audubon Society (2007) as follows:
R = resident all year round
S = summer visitor
W = winter visitor
Common Name | Occurrence | Scientific Name | Image |
American Coot | CR | Fulica americana | |
American Crow | CR | Corvus brachyrhynchos | |
American Kestrel | CR | Falco sparverius | |
American Robin | CR | Turdus migratorius | |
Anna's Hummingbird | CR | Calypte anna | |
Barn Owl | CR | Tyto alba | |
Barn Swallow | CR | Hirundo rustica | |
Bewick's Wren | CR | Thryomanes bewickii | |
Black Phoebe | CR | Sayornis nigricans | |
Black-crowned Night-Heron | CR | Nycticorax nycticorax | |
Blue Grosbeak | US | Passerina caerulea | |
Blue-gray Gnatcher | CR | Polioptila caerulea | |
Bushtit | CR | Psaltriparus minimus | |
California Quail | CR | Callipepla california | |
California Thrasher | CR | Toxostoma redivivum | |
California Towhee | CR | Pipilo crissalis | |
Cassin's Kingbird | CR | Tyrannus vociferans | |
Cliff Swallow | CR | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | |
Common Raven | CR | Corvus corax | |
Common Yellowthroat | CR | Geothlypis trichas | |
Cooper's Hawk | U | Accipiter cooperi | |
Dark-eyed Junco | CR | Junco hyemalis | |
Double-crested Cormorant | CR | Phalacrocorax auritus | |
Eurasian Collared Dove | CR | Streptopelia decaocto | |
European Starling | CR | Sturnus vulgaris | |
Great Blue Heron | CR | Ardea herodias | |
House Finch | CR | Haemorphous mexicanus | |
House Sparrow | CR | Passer domesticus | |
Killdeer | CR | Charadrius vociferus | |
Lesser Goldfinch | CR | Spinus psaltria | |
Loggerhead Shrike | CR | Lanius ludovicianus | |
Mallard | CR | Anas platyrhnochos | |
Mourning Dove | CR | Zenaida macroura | |
Northern Mockingbird | CR | Mimus polyglottos | |
Nuttall's Woodpecker | CR | Picoides nuttallii | |
Osprey | U | Pandion halieaetus | |
Red-tailed Hawk | CR | Buteo jamaicensis | |
Red-winged Blackbird | CR | Agelaius phoeniceus | |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | CR | Regulus calendula | |
Say's Phoebe | CW | Sayornis saya | |
Snowy Egret | CR | Egretta thula | |
Spotted Towhee | CR | Pipilo maculatus | |
Turkey Vulture | CR | Cathartes aura | |
Western Gull | CR | Larus occidentalis | |
Western Scrub-Jay | CR | Aphelocoma californica | |
White-crowned Sparrow | CW | Zonotrichia leucophrys | |
White-faced Ibis | FCW | Plegadis chini | |
White-tailed Kite | FCR | Elanus leucurus | |
Wrentit | CR | Chamaea fasciata | |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | CW | Setophaga coronata |