The Springs fire, which occurred early in May 2013, completely surrounded the campus and burnt much of the above-ground vegetation. The list below consists of 50 bird species known to occur on campus, with the majority being casually observed post-fire. A strategic study to quantify the avian diversity at CI began in October 2013. As monitoring proceeds a more accurate count of avian biodiversity will be established. With vegetation recovery it is expected that more species will return and this initial list will likely more than double.


Degrees of occurrence are based on casual observations from 2005 by Dr. A. Chapman.

C = COMMON, easily seen in proper habitat
FC = FAIRLY COMMON, usually seen in proper habitat
U = UNCOMMON, difficult to find or occurs in low numbers in proper habitat

Timing of occurrences is from Ventura Audubon Society (2007) as follows:

R = resident all year round
S = summer visitor
W = winter visitor

Common NameOccurrenceScientific NameImage
American CootCRFulica americana
American CrowCRCorvus brachyrhynchosCorvus brachyrhynchos
American KestrelCRFalco sparveriusAmerican Kestrel
American RobinCRTurdus migratoriusAmerican Robin
Anna's HummingbirdCRCalypte annaAnna's Hummingbird
Barn OwlCRTyto albaBarn Owl
Barn SwallowCRHirundo rusticaBarn Swallow
Bewick's WrenCRThryomanes bewickiiBewick's Wren
Black PhoebeCRSayornis nigricansBlack Phoebe
Black-crowned Night-HeronCRNycticorax nycticoraxBlack-crowned Night-Heron
Blue GrosbeakUSPasserina caeruleaBlue Grosbeak
Blue-gray GnatcherCRPolioptila caeruleaBlue-gray Gnatcher
BushtitCRPsaltriparus minimusBushtit
California QuailCRCallipepla californiaCalifornia Quail
California ThrasherCRToxostoma redivivumCalifornia Thrasher
California TowheeCRPipilo crissalisCalifornia Towhee
Cassin's KingbirdCRTyrannus vociferansCassin's Kingbird
Cliff SwallowCRPetrochelidon pyrrhonotaCliff Swallow
Common RavenCRCorvus coraxCommon Raven
Common YellowthroatCRGeothlypis trichasCommon Yellowthroat
Cooper's HawkUAccipiter cooperiCooper's Hawk
Dark-eyed JuncoCRJunco hyemalisDark-eyed Junco
Double-crested CormorantCRPhalacrocorax auritus
Eurasian Collared DoveCRStreptopelia decaoctoEurasian Collared Dove
European StarlingCRSturnus vulgarisEuropean Starling
Great Blue HeronCRArdea herodiasGreat Blue Heron
House FinchCRHaemorphous mexicanusHouse Finch
House SparrowCRPasser domesticusHouse Sparrow
KilldeerCRCharadrius vociferusKilldeer
Lesser GoldfinchCRSpinus psaltriaLesser Goldfinch
Loggerhead ShrikeCRLanius ludovicianusLoggerhead Shrike
MallardCRAnas platyrhnochosMallard
Mourning DoveCRZenaida macrouraMourning Dove
Northern MockingbirdCRMimus polyglottosNorthern Mockingbird
Nuttall's WoodpeckerCRPicoides nuttallii
OspreyUPandion halieaetusOsprey
Red-tailed HawkCRButeo jamaicensisRed-tailed Hawk
Red-winged BlackbirdCRAgelaius phoeniceusRed-winged Blackbird
Ruby-crowned KingletCRRegulus calendulaRuby-crowned Kinglet
Say's PhoebeCWSayornis sayaSay's Phoebe
Snowy EgretCREgretta thulaSnowy Egret
Spotted TowheeCRPipilo maculatusSpotted Towhee
Turkey VultureCRCathartes auraTurkey Vulture
Western GullCRLarus occidentalisWestern Gull
Western Scrub-JayCRAphelocoma californicaWestern Scrub-Jay
White-crowned SparrowCWZonotrichia leucophrysWhite-crowned Sparrow
White-faced IbisFCWPlegadis chiniWhite-faced Ibis
White-tailed KiteFCRElanus leucurusWhite-tailed Kite
WrentitCRChamaea fasciataWrentit
Yellow-rumped WarblerCWSetophaga coronataYellow-rumped Warbler
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