Vision, Values, Goals, & Strategies
OTP, Vision, Goals, & Strategies One-Pager (PDF, 75 KB)
Vision Statement:
The Office of the President shall embody CSUCI's greatest aspirations: providing transformative experiences and opportunities for our students and communities, distinguished by our collective commitment to inclusivity and continuous improvement.
High Ethical Standards - Applying words and actions to generate trust and fairness.
Inclusive Excellence - Building an equitable, inclusive and strong institution through the advancement of diverse thoughts, values, histories and practices.
Exceptional Service - Enhancing our level of service with a positive attitude, outstanding professionalism, empathy, respect and timeliness.
Professional Growth - The pursuit of individual interests in support of the professional’s career goals and personal fulfillment.
Team - The joint effort of colleagues within the Office of the President, across divisions and externally to advance the University.
We view the University as an inheritance that we must preserve and enhance for future generations. Therefore, the Office of the President takes responsibility for the operational sustainability and relevance of the University.
- Facilitate consistent communication (e.g., stories, information) about the University to internal and external audiences / all stakeholders
- Build connections across campus and to external stakeholders
- Embody the concept of “servingness” to support our internal and external communities
Unit Strategies for Achieving Our Goals:
Community & Government Relations
- Responsible for advancing California State University Channel Islands’ positive presence and goodwill at all levels throughout the culturally diverse service region, the state, the nation and internationally by planning, directing, and implementing a comprehensive proactive program of community and government relations.
- Establishing and maintaining strong relationships with local elected officials, Sacramento state legislators, and U.S. Congressional representatives in Washington D.C. and their staff members to communicate positions on issues and obtain support for resources on behalf of the campus.
- Engage with community-based groups, corporations, other universities, and not- for – profit organizations and governmental bodies on common interests or for formal partnerships.
- Proactively identify and invite engage with key individuals or organizations to tour the campus and/or meet with the President, the Cabinet or other appropriate campus leader(s).
Communication & Public Relations
- Strengthen our University Brand and Awareness
- As part of the ongoing Integrated Marketing Communication Plan (IMCP), complete a comprehensive rebranding to include development of a brand foundation and messaging, new visual assets, brand awareness marketing campaigns, and a website redesign for launch by summer 2025.
- Expand University Communication
- Facilitate collaboration among lead areas across campus to improve and disseminate communication for internal and external stakeholders.
- Highlight the OneHealth/CSUCI 2030+ strategic plan and Academic Master Plan within broad communication to various constituents.
- Maintain a repository of proof points of accomplishments of the University, faculty, students, staff, and alumni, for storytelling purposes for use on various communication tools, e.g., website, social media, news media, videos, Channel magazine, presidential communication, and content management systems (CMS) for prospective and current students, etc.
Enrollment Management
- Strategic enrollment management plan under development.
Institutional Research
- Create and disseminate data tools and research to the campus community for building knowledge and making institutional improvements
- Support data fluency to help people to think critically and to effectively use the data that is available to them
- Honor our students’ complex identities in our analyses to foreground hidden inequities
OTP Core
- Provide excellent customer service experiences.
- Implement operational efficiencies in business practices to improve OTP operations.
Enhance OTP functions including budget, events,initiatives, operations, and staff resources.
Regional Educational Partnerships
- Create and maintain regional partnerships that:
- have campus-wide implications, are cross-divisional, and provide multi-disciplinary opportunities
- involve facilities, land, and other physical resources that serve as or facilitate hubs of partnerships
- promote workforce development, cradle to career pathways, and sustainable economies
- contribute to place-based priorities for CSUCI, communities, and organizations within the region
- advance One Health initiatives with respect to environmental and community health
- Communicate and coordinate with internal stakeholders about priorities and opportunities with external partners