CSUCI is proud to be a member of the University of Southern California (USC) Racial Equity Leadership Alliance (RELA). This alliance, created by the USC Race and Equity Center, serves as a tool to achieve our goals towards advancing racial and social justice on our campus. 

Our membership provides access to:

  1. Three race and ethnicity climate surveys (students, staff, faculty);
  2. Monthly eConvenings featuring noted speakers each month, to which all members of each participating CSU campus community are invited — students, faculty, and staff; and
  3. Access to a trove of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) professional development materials located online at EquityConnect, which are available to all CSUCI community members.

Register for Your Equity Connect Portal Account

All eConvenings will be recorded and made available in the EquityConnect portal.

To register, view the Equity Connect Registration Instructions (PDF, 1.9 M), or follow the instructions below:

  • Go to https://equityconnect.usc.edu/login
  • Scroll down to: Don't have an account? Click "Sign-Up Here"
  • Under category, select "Racial Equity Leadership Alliance (CSUs)" from the drop-down menu
  • Under institution, select CSU Channel Islands
  • Fill in your personal information. For email ID, put just your name as it appears in your email address prior to the @ sign.

Register for Live eConvenings

Each month, members of the CSUCI community can participate in live two-hour synchronous eConvenings by registering through the USC website. To register and view the upcoming sessions, see the eConvening Sessions flyer. (PDF, 120 K)

Previous eConvenings covered the following topics:

  • Messaging Institutional Commitment to Racial Equity 
  • Embedding Racial Equity in Workplace Practices and Policies 
  • Understanding and Confronting Anti-Black Racism

Watch parties, with time included for post-watching discussion, are encouraged.

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