Strategic Directions through 2024-25

Cabinet members and the President created the structure of this Framework in 2023 by identifying four directions that met the criteria of being: (1) essential, (2) already underway or beginning soon, and (3) achievable or significantly achievable by the end of the 2024-25 academic year. The four directions are (1) Academic & Campus Identity, (2) Student Experience, (3) Campus Culture, and (4) Sustainability, Growth & Resources. These four new Strategic Directions serve as a bridge connecting our 2018-23 Strategic Initiatives that sunsetted at the end of Spring 2023, our WSCUC visit in April 2024, and our next full  strategic plan: CSUCI for 2030+ to be developed in 2024-25.

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Strategic Initiatives 2018-2023

The Strategic Initiatives Implementation Team was charged with making visible cross-campus implementation work to recognize shared efforts and accountability for achieving the Strategic Initiatives. The guiding themes for these Strategic Initiatives were: (1) Commitment to Students and Community, (2) Equity and Inclusion, (3) Aspiration, Innovation, and Tolerance for Risk, (4) Evidence-Based Decision Making and a Commitment to Long-Range Planning. The initiatives include educational excellence, student success, inclusive excellence, and capacity and sustainability. More information can be found about the development of the initiatives in this Reimagining Higher Education document. the Above all, the initiatives aimed to enhance the University’s mission of placing students at the center of the educational experience.

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