1) In attendance were:
FS Management: Raudel Banuelos
Chemistry: Scott Duffer
Art: Ivan Grooms
Safety/Environment: Bill Kupfer, Chair
Student Affairs: Ed Lebioda
Haz Mat & Envtl Manager: Jennifer Lindquist
Biology: Michael Mahoney
Academic Affairs: Gina Matibag
Biotechnology: Melissa McCoy
Technology and Communication: Carlos Miranda
Custodial and Grounds: Ricky Medrano
Police Department: Mike Morris
Workers Compensation: Kim Sones
Health and Safety Manager: Joyce Spencer
Art: Kenji Webb

1) Follow up items

The Chair described the status of two issues. 1) Safety and health issues surrounding sea lions on the CIBC dock: sea lions are not using the dock heavily at this time and primary employee safety issues have been addressed, but effective passive barriers have not been installed and sea lions may reoccupy the dock at any time. The Committee will continue to monitor the situation as scheduled summer activities increase at the boating center. 2) The Chair provided history and progress on an on-line training for independent laboratory research students. EH&S both system-wide and at CI have been spearheading this complex effort. We expect this will be fully functional for Fall 2016. System-wide EH&S has joined a UC safety consortium in this process and we expect to have access to many other credible and authoritative on-line safety training products customized for the University environment.

2) Investigation: Aliso Hall Chemical Release

The chair presented in detail the results of an EH&S investigation of the 9/29/2015 Aliso Hall chemical release incident. In addition to the incident description and post-incident fact-finding, a set of recommendations was presented. These recommendations were based on the circumstances of the release, an analysis of improvements necessary to reduce the chance of a recurrence, and regulatory considerations that are relevant to activities surrounding the event. Important recommendations include developing 1) written Standard Operation Procedures for the safe use of extremely hazardous materials, 2) an accurate and up-to-date chemical inventory identifying high hazard chemicals, and 3) a periodic physical inventory of chemicals.

In response to recommendations, Academic Affairs science technical staff in cooperation with EH&S vetted a bar-code capable chemical inventory system. Academic Affairs administration then agreed to purchase this system and EH&S has been driving implementation as quickly as possible. EH&S will manage and maintain the system for the sciences, and science departments will perform and maintain local inventories. SOPs for all extremely hazardous chemicals are currently being jointly developed by EH&S and staff in the Sciences.

EH&S, in collaboration with appropriate campus partners, is addressing three other recommendations regarding chemical emergency response procedures; one recommendation of particular concern is timely and appropriate provision of medical services for students in an emergency.

3) Attendee discussion of campus activities and safety concerns

A number of topics were discussed.

  • Regarding the chemical incident investigation and recommendation regarding student medical care; Ed Lebioda initiated a discussion of how medical care should be provided for students in a medical emergency. One view is that students and employees both should be sent to a single location, i.e. the campus occupational health provider; another view is that normal processes for student medical emergencies/treatment should be followed. The Chair will follow up with appropriate campus entities to discuss and resolve this issue.
  • Regarding laboratory and shop safety, given the administrative changes throughout the University, Ed Lebioda suggested that, when possible, EH&S reach out to the new Dean of Arts and Sciences to establish rapport and advise him of the many safety initiatives underway in Arts and Sciences. The interim appointment has just been made and the Committee Chair has scheduled a meeting with the new Dean to provide this orientation.
  • Ricky Medrano initiated a discussion of the safety of trees and the danger of limb-drop. Raudel Banuelos provided an update on the evaluation of tree safety and appropriate pruning and removal. Trees are currently evaluated for safety on a regular basis, and the priority of performing these evaluations is based largely on the density of pedestrian traffic potentially at risk. Pruning or removal is done as required for safety and the appearance and health of trees. No further action is required at this time.
  • Kenji Webb pointed out several problems with student use of mineral spirits in the paint studio. EH&S will work with Art to develop procedures, containers and labeling to minimize these problems.
  • Melissa McCoy advised the Committee of potential safety issues in laboratories in the Physics, Computer Science and ESRM programs. EH&S is already productively working with Computer Science and ESRM regarding laboratory safety, and will reach out to Physics in the near future.
  • Kim Sones pointed out that supervisor accident/injury investigation reports are often incomplete or inadequately investigated. EH&S concurred with this and reminded the Committee that instructions for performing an accident investigation are available on the EH&S web site.

4) Injury Report

Thirty-six persons were injured since our last meeting: eighteen students, twelve employees, two student employees and four visitors. Most student injuries are related to sports activities. There were three skateboard injuries; two were falls and one was a vehicle/skateboard collision. The Committee continues to monitor skateboard injuries. Over time we have now seen two injuries associated with the steeper grade on the eastern part of campus. Skateboarding at relatively high speed westward downhill toward Camarillo Street preceded these two accidents.

Regarding the employee injuries, normal processes for prevention and response to accidents and injuries are in place and functioning. Trip and fall, strains and sprains continue to be common causes of injury. Three injuries were unusual and of interest. The first was an employee suffering a fairly serious fall using a hoverboard. The use of a hoverboard is not consistent with the scope of employment for any job at the University. The Committee will monitor this type of activity. The other two injuries of interest both occurred during an aggression defense class offered by campus Police. One injury was to a participant and the other to an instructor. EH&S is working with campus PD to determine if changes can be made to this class; the class, after all, is intended to prevent injury.

5) University Industrial Wastewater Permit

The campus Environmental Compliance Manager, Jennifer Lindquist, provided the Committee a brief summary of regulatory requirements regarding University industrial discharges to the sanitary sewer system. Our permit limits or prohibits many types of discharge and requires that we sample our effluent on a regular basis to ensure we are in conformance with these limitations and prohibitions. EH&S anticipates with certainty that a clarifier for the pretreatment of certain discharges will be required to remain in compliance with both this permit and provisions of storm-water regulations. Facilities Services has purchased this clarifier and installation is pending.

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