The most recent available Clery ASR (2023 version, updated February 2024) can be found here and covers both Main Campus & Goleta Campus: 

Printable Version of 2023 Annual Security Report (PDF, 1.0 MB)


What is The Jeanne Clery Act?

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information regarding certain crimes that occur on or around the campus. The goal of the Clery Act is to provide students, prospective students, parents, and employees with accurate information about crimes on or near campus, and campus security procedures, to help ensure personal safety.

CSUCI issues the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report in compliance with the Clery Act, by October 1 of each year. CSUCI's Chief of Police and Clery Director will provide timely warnings and emergency alerts to the campus community through the campus CI Alert system. Campus Police will also maintain a daily crime log.

If you have any questions about the Clery Act, please contact Title IX & Inclusion at or call 805-437-2077 or Public Safety at or call 805-437-8444.

Clery Map

Clery Map

Clery Crime Statistics 2020-2022

First Set of Clery Crimes

Statutory Rape Stats

Additional stats

CSUCI Main Campus Crime Stats for 2023

CSUCI Main Campus Crime Stats for 2023

Goleta Campus Crime Statistics 2020-2022

2023 Goleta Campus Crime stats

2023 Goleta Campus Crime stats

2023 Goleta Campus Crime stats

2023 Goleta Campus Crime stats

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Unfounded Crimes

Main Campus

  • 2020 – There were no unfounded crimes
  • 2021 – There were no unfounded crimes
  • 2022 – There were no unfounded crimes

Goleta Campus

  • 2020 – There were no unfounded crimes
  • 2021 – There were no unfounded crimes
  • 2022 – There were no unfounded crimes

Hate Crimes

Main Campus

  • 2020 – There were no reported hate crimes
  • 2021 – There were no reported hate crimes
  • 2022 – There were not reported hate crimes

Goleta Campus

  • 2020 – There were no reported hate crimes
  • 2021 – There were no reported hate crimes
  • 2022 – There were no reported hate crimes

A Hate Crime is a criminal offense that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. Hate crimes includes any offense in the following group: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, sexual assault including rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property.

Bias is a preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, gender, gender identity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin.

Hate crime reporting is considered for all Clery geography including on campus, residential facilities, non-campus buildings or property, and public property.

  • As a CSA, you are responsible for timely reporting to the CSUCI Police Department any Clery crime that is reported to you when you are operating in your professional capacity. Immediately reporting crimes enables the Chief of Police and Clery Director to determine if they should send a timely warning or emergency notification to the campus to help ensure safety. The report will also be counted into the annual crime statistics published in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

  • A list of Clery crimes and definitions of Clery crimes is provided below, and can also be found on the Campus Security Reporting form available for your use. If you are not sure that a crime qualifies as a Clery crime, report it by using the CSA Reporting Form. The Clery Director and Chief of Police will make the determination regarding whether or not the report is a Clery crime.

  • If a crime is reported to you, you MUST report it. Only the Clery Director and Chief of Police can make a determination about whether or not a crime actually occurred.

  • No. Your responsibility is to make the report on this reporting form . You should not conduct any investigation or draw any conclusions about whether or not the reported crime occurred.

  • Any Clery crime that occurs within the Clery geography must be reported. Off-campus locations that are part of the Clery geography include:

    • Public areas that border the campus.
    • Any building or property off-campus that is owned or controlled by the University and is used in support of or related to educational purposes.
    • Any building or property off-campus that is owned or controlled by the University and is frequently used by students.
    • Any building or property owned or controlled by a registered student organization.

    When in doubt, report the potential Clery crime to the Police or Clery Director. They will determine if it is part of the Clery geography.

  • Crimes should be reported to the Channel Islands Police Department immediately, or as soon as practically possible.

    For emergencies, call 911.

    For non-emergencies, call 805-437-8444 (CI Police Department)

    After you make a report, you must complete the CSA Reporting Form in order to complete your responsibilities under Clery. Please remember you are responsible for filing a report under Clery.

  • You should gather as much who, what, when and where details about the crime as you can. Gathering this information will help the Chief of Police and Clery Director determine the nature of the crime, and whether or not a timely warning or emergency notification should be distributed to the campus.

    If you a mandated reporter of child abuse and the crime happened to a minor, you will need to make a subsequent report as a mandated reporter. 

  • You should make the report immediately after receiving the information. If you are not able to make the report immediately, you should make it as soon as possible to ensure that any necessary timely warning or emergency notification is made to the campus.

    Under no circumstances should you delay reporting a crime to the Police Department.

  • If a student reports any type of sexual misconduct, you must report the allegation to the Title IX & Inclusion office using this form. You should also refer the student to our Campus Advocate. CSUCI's Campus Advocate provides additional confidential support and guidance to all victims of sexual violence.

    Students who are victims of any type of crime can be referred to Counseling and Psychological Services.

  • The Clery Act defines those individuals who must act as CSAs on campus. If your position functions fall into one of those categories, you cannot opt out of being a CSA and are required to report those crimes that are reported to you.

    If you believe you have been mistakenly identified as a CSA because your position functions do not fall into one of the identified categories of employees, contact, providing an explanation or your position description for review.


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