Administration of University Property

The Integrated California State University Manual (ICSUAM) Property Policies of the CSU System require campuses to develop standardized procedure to facilitate accurate record keeping related to the acquisition, maintenance, control and disposition of University property. A strong campus-wide commitment and control system is required to insure proper care, use and disposal of University assets. The property guideline, forms, processes and documents were created to maintain a uniform accountability for all campus property. For more information, read the

CSUCI Guidelines and Procedures:


Acquisition: Equipment may be acquired through purchase order, lease purchase, procurement card purchase, donation, transfers, or fabrication.

Processing/Tagging: Identifying and tagging capital, non-capital, and instructional equipment including computer and sensitive equipment. 

Physical Inventory:  Reconcile against departmental inventory records. Summary to include the responsible designee's initials and completion date. Any property discrepancy not accounted for during the physical inventory will be surveyed and reported as missing property.

Audit: Property inspection by the Chancellor's Office on the physical inventory of capital assets, tagging, data, and records within the main central system. Review of potential risks including off-site and unaccounted inventory, records, or retention.

Disposition: Once an item is approved for disposal (Survey Form), it may be offered for sale at public auction, Recycled, donated to a non-profit agency, transferred to another CSU, or offered to other departments on campus

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