Korri Faria

Korri Faria '12 Political Science

After graduating Kori searched for different job opportunities from teaching anatomy lessons to young women to rebuilding houses destroyed by tornadoes. She now works as an employment and education VISTA member at San Joaquin Valley Veterans, a project of WestCare. Her main role is to establish a relationship with the homeless population as well as community organization and express the importance of veteran friendly hiring.

Kelsey Chavez '10 Liberal Studies

Kelsey applied for anything and everything that was interesting to her. Wanting to make a difference supporting and encouraging youth, she wasn't afraid of working her way up through the ranks. She is now the Program Director at the Zimmerman Boys & Girls Club of Fresno County. Her tasks include: staff development, program placement, recruitment of members and donors, creating programs for kids, and working specifically with teens. While working, Kelsey is also completing her Master’s degree in Educational Counseling.

Andrew Antone

Andrew Antone '09 B.S. Business

Andrew became an art director specializing in brand identity design, digital marketing, print collateral, UX and website development eventually creating his own company, AAexpressive. With more than 10 years of experience, he has worked with a variety of major brands and Fortune 500 companies including: AMC, CNN, Disney, DreamWorks, The E! Network, Green Hills Software, Hudson Institute of Coaching, lynda.com, MorganStanley, Smith Barney, NBC, Summit Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox, and Zenger Folkman. Andrew's creativity is fueled by his passion for music, film, and theater; an obsessively-active lifestyle; and a penchant for detail.

Kristen Zetterberg '11 B.A. Psychology

Kristen worked for an insurance company for a year but wasn't satisfied. Wanting more responsibility and a greater challenge she began working as an account executive selling technology to businesses in the San Fernando Valley. Through her consistent success and excellent reputation, she was asked by Image Mover Inc. to take on the role as their account executive and has been offered the opportunity to replace the VP when he retires.

Mindy Carson

Mindy Carson '10 B.A. Business

Mindy is now the General Manager at El Rey Cantina in Camarillo. She is responsible for operating and overseeing every aspect of the business from managing employees to dealing with vendors to maintenance of the facility. "Never a dull moment when you are running a company," Mindy expresses. She earned her position by constantly perfecting her resume and seizing her opportunity when the manager position opened up. After meeting with the manager several times she was able to demonstrate that she was the right person for the job.

David Ashley

David Ashley '13 B.A. Biology

David began applying for different jobs in various areas. He tailored his resume to each specific position he applied for including his current position where he works as a Quality Control Analyst at Baxter Bioscience in Thousand Oaks. Working in the Quality Control Microbiology department, he is responsible for performing environmental monitoring and utility monitoring of the manufacturing areas.

Sarah Lawrence ‘12 B.A. Business

Sarah began working as a marketing coordinator for companies such as VIZIO, Epson and Canon. Realizing her true passion was fashion, Sarah began a fashion blog that quickly became popular and successful. After running the blog for a few months she applied for a position at BELLA + CANVAS and is now their Marketing Coordinator. She is in charge of all aspects of marketing planning, promotion, public relations, and product research and development.

Anthony Gioia '08 B.A. Business

After graduating Anthony spent months consistently contacting sales executives in technology organizations, received an offer from Hewlett-Packard, and now works for Oracle. He is responsible for sales and building executive level relationships in Fortune 500 Companies in Phoenix and Las Vegas.

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