CSUCI songwriting competitionOct. 19, 2017 - CSUCI students campus-wide are invited to participate in the first-ever CSUCI Student Songwriting Competition.  The lucky winners will have a chance for their song to be recorded, mixed and mastered by four-time GRAMMY award winner and legendary Beatles engineer Geoff Emerick.  The song will then be released on vinyl and over 25 Internet musical distribution websites.

Participants must contact Dr. Paul Murphy by Oct. 31 and must have their song recorded by Jonas Lee in the Napa Hall Studio in order to qualify.  Pre-arranged times have been set up and Jonas is available to record songs on the following dates and times: Saturday, Nov. 4 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov. 8 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and Saturday, Nov. 11. 

Preliminary judges Geoff Emerick and television composer Grant Geissman will receive an mp3 of this recording.  Approximately 10-12 songs will be selected for the second round of the competition.  If their song is selected, students must be available and prepared to perform their song for the full panel of judges, including CSUCI President Erika D. Beck, on Thursday, Nov. 30 between 3 and 6 p.m. in Malibu Hall 100.

View full details on the contest, including a detailed timeline of events.  (PDF, 81K)

For more information contact Dr. Paul Murphy at paul.murphy@csuci.edu.

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