Wellness EducatorsApril 4, 2018 - Wellness Peer Educators are a group of campus leaders that are committed to the health and wellness of the campus community.  We are looking for students to apply to our program and become Certified Peer Educators. 

Applicants should have a passion for educating students on campus on a variety of health and wellness topics. Current Wellness Peer Educators will table on the following dates to speak about their experience and answer any questions. 

  • April 16: noon to 2 p.m. | South Quad (near Santa Rosa Village)
  • April 17: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. | Broome Plaza
  • April 18: noon to 2 p.m. | South Quad (near Islands Café)

Be sure to stop by and learn more about how to join the team!

For more information contact Honey Krueger at 805-437-3971 or honey.krueger@csuci.edu

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