Sidewalk CPR Day – Feb. 24 & Feb. 25
Sidewalk CPR training is being offered in the Student Union Dining Room on Monday, Feb. 24 and Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day. Take 5-10 minutes and learn how to save a life by learning hands-only CPR from a trained professional. This free event is sponsored by the CI Police Department.
For more information, contact Rachel Huff, Community Involvement Coordinator, at ext. 8444 or
Relishing Mind, Body, and Spirit: Art with Impact – Feb. 25
One in four college students experience mental illness. Join us for dinner, films, and Q&A with a panel of filmmakers and students exploring issues of mental health on Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. in Malibu 100. This free event is sponsored by the Psychology Club, Psi Chi, the International Honors Society in Psychology, Housing & Residential Education, Multicultural Programs, Student Health Services, and Art with Impact.
To view the full flyer for the event. (PDF)
For more information, contact Christy Teranishi-Martinez, Associate Professor of Psychology, at ext. 3311 or
Recognizing and Preventing Violence in the Workplace, Brown Bag Session - Mar. 4
Faculty and Staff are invited to join CI Police Chief John Reid for a lunchtime brown bag presentation and discussion on Tuesday, Mar. 4 from 12 to 1 p.m. in the Broome Library, Room 1360. Lemonade, tea, and cookies will be provided.
Please RSVP here.
For more information, contact Rachel Huff, Community Involvement Coordinator, at ext. 8444 or
Grad Fest 2014 – Mar. 5-6
On Wednesday, Mar. 5 and Thursday, Mar. 6, Grad Fest 2014 will be held at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For full details, View Grad Fest 2014 Flyer.
We are seeking participation from the campus community. If you can volunteer to assist on either day, please complete the following online volunteer sign-up form here.
For questions regarding the event or volunteer opportunities, please contact Amanda Carpenter, Co-Chair of Grad Fest Committee, at ext. 3565 or
Relay for Life – Mar. 14-15
Support the CI Relay For Life by joining a team or starting your own! It’s simple. Go online to and register for any team. Or find a group of friends, family or co-workers and start your own team. Set a team goal for yourself and then let the FUNdraising begin!
After you’re registered, you’ll receive updates with dates of team captain meetings so you can get fundraising materials, fun giveaways and snacks! If you would like more information on how to join a team, volunteer for the day of the event, make a donation or purchase a luminaria bag, please email Event Chair Rachael Ellison at or Brittany at The actual Relay event will be held on Friday, Mar. 14 through Saturday, Mar. 15, from 12 p.m. to 12 p.m. in the South Quad.
For more information, contact Brittany Keegan at 805-628-2430, or
St. Patrick’s Day Grand Marshal President Rush – Mar. 15
The campus community is invited to participate in Ventura’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, Mar. 15 featuring President Rush as the parade Grand Marshal!
This year’s theme is “The Irish thru the Ages” and students, clubs and organizations, as well as faculty and staff are all welcomed to join the University’s parade entry. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and travel along Ventura’s Main Street.
All CI parade participants will receive a green CI t-shirt. Students, faculty and staff interested should contact no later than Friday, Feb. 28.
For more information contact Nancy Gill, Director of Communication & Marketing at ext. 8456 or
Planning Your Retirement- Free CalPERS Workshop – Mar. 18
Are you Prepared? This free CalPERS educational class helps you plan and prepare for retirement. Regardless of where you are in your career, begin now to secure your future!
Attend this class to learn more about:
- Service credit
- Retirement formulas and benefit factors
- Retirement payment options
- Taxes and your retirement
- Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
- Retirement application process
- CalPERS health benefits
- Online resources
Registration is required- please RSVP here.
For more information, contact Janet Korsmo, HR Support Assistant, at ext. 3181 or
Annual Conference for Social Justice in Education- Apr. 19
The School of Education proudly announces its 6th Annual Conference for Social Justice in Education on April 19. Registration begins at 8 a.m. in the Grand Salon. Dr. Gary Kinsey will welcome the participants and Provost Gayle Hutchinson will provide welcoming remarks. Keynote speaker will be Maria Elena Plaza, Director of Human Resources & Public Information Officer for the Oxnard School District.
This year’s theme is Cultivating Mentorship in Schools & Society. Break-out sessions will be in Del Norte Hall and promise to be thought provoking and examine an array of issues relevant to our county. The event is open to the CI community and the public and is free of charge. Please register in advance here.
People devoted to promoting social justice are invited to submit a proposal for presentation. Proposals to present are due Monday, Feb. 24. To download the presentation proposal form, visit
The conference is co-sponsored by CI’s Schools of Education and Arts & Sciences, Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics, Extended University, the Center for Community Engagement, Project Vista, the Provost's Office, and the Office of the President.
For more information, contact Marilyn Medina, Graduate Studies Center Administrative Support Assistant, at ext. 3579 or
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© Wavelength February 13, 2014