Social Media “WhyCI” Student Contest
With its “WhyCI?” social media student contest launched this week by Communication & Marketing, CI is offering $1,500 scholarships to one current student and one prospective (admitted) student who can best answer the question of why they chose CI in a 15-second video.
To enter the contest, students must submit their video via Instagram no later than Friday, Mar. 21, using the hashtag #whyCI. The video must be 15 seconds or less, explain why the student chose CI, and clearly identify the student in text or audio. It can be a combination of live-action, still photos, and/or animation sequences. Only one video can be entered per qualifying student. Students who submit entries can encourage friends and family to “like” their video entry. Contest entrants, followers, and the CI community will be regularly updated on the front-runners using the #whyCI hashtag.
Entries will be judged by CI’s Marketing Advisory Committee on message content, visual creativity, originality, and the number of “likes” received. The top two students will each receive a $1,500 scholarship, usable only at CI. Eight other finalists will earn $50 dining gift cards provided by University Glen Corp., which can be used at any of CI’s on-campus restaurants or dining facilities.
Winners will be announced sometime before the Discover CI event to be held Friday, Apr. 11 and Saturday, Apr. 12. The two grand prize scholarship recipients will be notified in a surprise visit to their classroom.
The winning videos will become part of CI’s promotional efforts and may be featured on the CI website, social media, and other campus and media channels as a recruitment and marketing tool. Other contest rules and regulations apply. Please visit for full rules or email with questions.
For more information contact Tom Emens, Multimedia Coordinator, at
Corporate Games 2014 – Are you Game?
Are You Game? That’s the theme for the 2014 Corporate Games, Apr. 2 through May 10, and CI employees will get their game on in more than 30 events.
We are still accepting sign-ups for the following events, especially Tug-O-War, the only event that requires participation to compete in overall standings:
Openings for both male and female participants: 5K group run, Bocce, Coed Beach Volleyball, Community Service Project, Cornhole Tournament, Dominoes, Photo Contest, Run/Walk/Jog, Scrabble, Sand Sculpture, Texas Hold’em, Tug-o-War.
Openings for male participants: Darts, Flag Football, Men’s Softball, Miniature Golf.
Openings for female participants: Coed Softball, Dodgeball, Kickball, Golf, MB2 Kart Racing and Team Tennis.
To check out the full list of Sports & Event dates and locations to determine your availability, click here . (PDF, 7.8MB) Actual times and match assignments will be released Mar. 14 online.
For more information, contact Joanna Murphy, Associate Director of Communication & Marketing and CI Corporate Games Coordinator at
Connecting Student Veterans to Careers
Through a unique partnership between the Henry L. “Hank” Lacayo Institute (HLI) and the Veterans Affairs Program, five CI student veterans each semester are participating in internships supported by the Ventura County Veteran Fund. Candidates are selected based on academic performance and matched to internships that align with their individual career goals.
According to Jay Derrico, Coordinator of Veterans Affairs Program, there are currently 86 CI student veterans on campus. Veterans Affairs partnered with HLI to leverage the Institute’s career services expertise.
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), in 2008 employers extended job offers to nearly 70 percent of their interns. According to a CI-sponsored fall 2011 survey, 67 of surveyed employers cited internships as extremely or very important to recruitment strategy. HLI sponsors and places up to 15 interns each semester.
Lori Guadarrama, a Biology major interning at Stellar Biotechnologies, Inc., encourages fellow student veterans to consider internships. Check out the link to catch Lori’s internship story:
For more information, contact Jay Derrico, Veterans Affairs Program Coordinator, at ext. 2745 or
Announcing Programs and Deadlines for ATOD Educational Conference
CI will host the 2014 CSU Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs (ATOD) Educational Conference entitled: Forecasting the Future: Intervention Today, Prevention Tomorrow scheduled for Thursday Apr. 3 and Friday, Apr. 4 on campus.
The ATOD committee is highlighting programs and resources this year related to the following themes:
- Aware, Awake, Alive
- Tobacco Prevention Initiatives and Education
- Policies and Procedures to Support ATOD Prevention
- Student-Involved Prevention
- ATOD Research and Innovation
Important dates related to this year’s ATOD Educational Conference:
- Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday, Feb. 14
- Awards Submission Deadline: Monday, Mar. 3
- Registration Deadline: Friday, Mar. 21
New opportunities this year feature student research presentations, conference theme presentations, and an ATOD interactive participation experience. Additionally, keynote speakers for this year include President Rush and Academy Award Winning actor, Louis Gossett, Jr.
Pricing, registration, hotel information, and program details are located at:
For more information, contact Deborah Gravelle, Wellness and Athletics Programs Coordinator, at ext. 3177 or
New Administrative Policies Approved
The following administrative policies have been approved by the President following recommendation from the President's Planning and Policy Council (PPPC).
- AA.02.003 – Policy on Instructionally Related Activities Funding
This policy has been revised to clarify the membership quorum requirement for the Instructionally Related Activities Committee as well as the allowable distribution of funds pursuant to the California Education Code.
- IT.01.002 – Policy on Data Classification Standard
This policy replaces the former interim policy. The standards set forth in this policy support and provide guidance for implementing the Information Security Data Classification Standard as is stated in the Integrated California State University Administrative Manual (ICSUAM).
Full text of these and all administrative policies may be found on the Administrative Policy Website at
Please direct questions regarding specific policies to the individual(s) or area(s) listed in the accountability section of each policy.
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© Wavelength February 13, 2014