National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2014
This semester CI is administering the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to first-year and senior students. NSSE gathers information about CI students to improve our campus. View the full flyer. (PDF, 158KB)
How does it work?
President Rush and NSSE ( invited students to participate on Feb. 13 with a link to the survey. It’s not spam! Students who complete the survey are automatically entered into a random drawing to win one of ten Freudian Sip or Tortilla’s gift cards ($10 value).
Difficulty logging in? Lost the email?
Don’t worry; you can still enter! Send a note to You will receive an email reminder too.
How is the information used?
CI uses survey information to learn about student experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Your voice helps shape campus planning, paints a picture of Dolphin life and why it is meaningful. NSSE results will be posted on the Institutional Effectiveness website:
What about my privacy?
The survey is confidential and approved by CI’s Institutional Review (ethics) Board. No individual answers will ever be identified in any report.
Please take the time to complete the survey. We appreciate your feedback!
For more information, contact Michael Bourgeois, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, at ext. 3925 or
New Social Network for Admitted CI Students
Enrollment Management, in partnership with Technology & Communication, is pleased to announce the launch of a new private social network for newly admitted CI students. Powered by our strategic partner Uversity, this community enables admitted students to connect with their peers to learn about CI and to meet other students based on shared activities and interests. Newly admitted students can join the community by visiting
For more information, contact Tom Emens, Multimedia Coordinator, at ext. 8946 or
Social Media “WhyCI” Student Contest
With its “WhyCI?” social media student contest launched this week by Communication & Marketing, CI is offering $1,500 scholarships to one current student and one prospective (admitted) student who can best answer the question of why they chose CI in a 15-second video.
To enter the contest, students must submit their video via Instagram no later than Friday, Mar. 21, using the hashtag #whyCI. The video must be 15 seconds or less, explain why the student chose CI, and clearly identify the student in text or audio. It can be a combination of live-action, still photos, and/or animation sequences. Only one video can be entered per qualifying student. Students who submit entries can encourage friends and family to “like” their video entry. Contest entrants, followers, and the CI community will be regularly updated on the front-runners using the #whyCI hashtag.
Entries will be judged by CI’s Marketing Advisory Committee on message content, visual creativity, originality, and the number of “likes” received. The top two students will each receive a $1,500 scholarship, usable only at CI. Eight other finalists will earn $50 dining gift cards provided by University Glen Corp., which can be used at any of CI’s on-campus restaurants or dining facilities.
Winners will be announced sometime before the Discover CI event to be held Friday, Apr. 11 and Saturday, Apr. 12. The two grand prize scholarship recipients will be notified in a surprise visit to their classroom.
The winning videos will become part of CI’s promotional efforts and may be featured on the CI website, social media, and other campus and media channels as a recruitment and marketing tool. Other contest rules and regulations apply. Please visit for full rules or email with questions.
For more information contact Tom Emens, Multimedia Coordinator, at
Mission Based Centers Award
The Mission Based Centers Student Award is awarded annually at Honors Convocation to those students who best exemplify any or all of the key principles of the University Mission Statement—integrative approaches, service learning, multicultural and international perspectives—through academic activity, and/or extra-curricular activity while attending CI.
How to submit a nomination:
Nominations are due Friday, Mar. 14 by 5:00 p.m. Faculty and students may nominate candidates. All graduating seniors are eligible to be nominated. Students, if you believe that your work or that of another student exemplifies any or all of the mission elements, please submit an application along with a letter of recommendation from a CI Faculty member.
Applications may also be submitted online at For full details and to view the flyer, click here. (PDF, 252KB)
For more information, contact Motoko Kitazumi, Centers Coordinator, at ext. 2608 or
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© Wavelength February 27, 2014