In This Issue
Last Saturday, attendees of the President’s Dinner and Concert enjoyed the talented Grammy Award winning trumpeter Chris Botti and his band at Ojai’s Libbey Bowl. The fundraiser sold out 657 general admission seats as well as the 300-seat VIP dinner catered by Main Course California. President Rush presented the Robert J. Lagomarsino Award to Rabobank with John Ryan, President & CEO of Rabobank, N.A. accepting the award on the Company’s behalf.
- Peace Corps and Pizza - Sept. 28
- Project ACCESO & Graduate Studies Center Open House - Sept. 30
- Salsa and Wheelchair Salsa Dancing - Oct. 1
- United Way Day of Caring - Oct. 3
- Dodger Day - Oct. 4
- Major Fair - Oct. 6
- Careers for the Public Good - Oct. 7
- JET Program Information Session - Oct. 13
- Sidewalk CPR - Oct. 13
- Men of McFarland USA - Oct. 15
- IGER Luncheon - Oct. 16
- Free FAFSA Workshop for those who assist parents and students - Oct. 17
- k(NO)w Justice, k(NO)w Peace: Getting Involved with Tunnel of Oppression - Oct. 28-29