The Great ShakeOut Get ReadyAre you ready for the BIG ONE?

DROP, COVER & HOLD ON as CSU Channel Islands participates in the annual California Great Shakeout on October 21, 2010 at 10:21 am.  For years, scientists have been predicting the next big earthquake to hit California. Though we don’t know when, we do know it WILL happen!  It is vitally important to be prepared when it does.


Drop where you are, Cover your head or get under a sturdy desk or table. Hold on to something sturdy. Stay in place until the shaking stops.

Drills & Preparation

To prepare for this and other major drills, CSU Channel Islands has been conducting regular building evacuation drills each semester to test and verify the building fire and evacuation notification alarms. The University has appointed a Building Evacuation Team (B.E.T.) to assist in the orderly evacuation, and the coordination at the designated gathering points, for each building. They are the direct link to police and fire responders and are responsible for disseminating important information.

In the event of a real earthquake emergency, occupants would DROP, COVER & HOLD ON. After the shaking stops it may be necessary to evacuate their building in an orderly fashion.

More Information & Contact Information

For information regarding the Building & Floor Marshal program, and to develop your personal evacuation plan, please visit the Building Evacuaiton Team (B.E.T.) webpage.

For more information about the California Great Shakeout contact EM Maggie Tougas at 437-3765 or by emailing her at

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