Knockout Rules

  1. . Get two or more players. Get two basketballs. Make sure they're pumped up well.
  2. Assemble in a single file line at the foul line. Give the first two players a ball. Blow a whistle or say go. The first player should shoot. When the ball goes in or it bounces off the second player should shoot.
  3. Play until someone wins. The object of the game is to get all of the players out. Here is how you get people out: When one player shoots the ball and misses, the next player has to shoot and make it before the first player makes it.
  4. Pass it. When someone makes it you throw to the next person and the cycle starts over until everybody but one person is out.
  5. Keep shooting. If someone misses they can keep shooting from anywhere until either they make it or they get out.
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