President’s Award for Innovations in Teaching and Learning

Simone Aloisio, Professor and Chair of Chemistry, has received the 2015 President’s Award for Innovations in Teaching and Learning, presented in recognition of an individual who has made unique and significant contributions to the teaching mission of the University. Applications were judged by a panel of three outside reviewers. Criteria includes: impact on and involvement with students; a scholarly approach to teaching and learning; contributions to undergraduate education in the institution, community and profession; and support from colleagues and students.
Aloisio was selected for his emphasis on high impact practices in student learning, especially undergraduate research experiences. Since becoming Chair of Chemistry eight years ago, he has made undergraduate research experiences – as one of his colleagues put it, “giving students’ ownership over their own identities as scientists” – one of the linchpins of the Chemistry program. Aloisio has developed courses that range from science courses for the non-science major to a new course to be offered fall 2015 to help students build technology-based businesses.
The award carries with it recognition at CI’s Honors Convocation on May 9. In addition, he will be nominated by CI for the Carnegie Foundation’s U.S. Professors of the Year Award.
For additional information contact Karen Gundelfinger, Executive Assistant to the Provost, at ext. 8441 or
“WhyCI” Contest
With its 2nd annual “WhyCI?” social media contest, CI is once again offering $1,500 scholarships to one current student and one prospective (admitted) student who can best answer the question of why they chose CI in a 15-second video.
To enter the contest, students must submit their video via Instagram no later than Tuesday, April 21, using the hashtag #whyCI15. The video must be 15 seconds or less, explain why the student chose CI, and clearly identify the student in text or audio. It can be a combination of live-action, still photos, and/or animation sequences. Only one video can be entered per qualifying student. Students who submit entries can encourage friends and family to “like” their video entry. Contest entrants, followers, and the CI community will be regularly updated on the front-runners using the #whyCI15 hashtag.
Entries will be judged on message content, visual creativity, originality, and the number of “likes” received. The top two students will each receive a $1,500 scholarship, usable only at CI. Eight other finalists will earn $50 dining gift cards, which can be used at any of CI’s on-campus restaurants or dining facilities.
Winners will be announced sometime before May 1. The two grand prize scholarship recipients will be notified in a surprise visit to their classroom.
The winning videos will become part of CI’s promotional efforts and may be featured on the CI website, social media, and other campus and media channels as a recruitment and marketing tool. Other contest rules and regulations apply. Visit for full rules or email questions to
For additional information contact Tom Emens, Multimedia Coordinator, at
Center for Community Engagement: Call for Nominations and Recognition
The Center for Community Engagement invites the campus community to submit nominations for our 2015 awards and recognitions for service-learning and community engagement. Each year, we honor our awardees at our Celebration of Service (scheduled this year for May 6) - a festive lunch event in which we collectively celebrate the inspirational projects that our students, faculty, and community partners engage in together. Consider submitting a nomination for any of the following awards:
- Outstanding Community Engaged Faculty
- Outstanding Community Engaged Partner
- Outstanding Student Reflective Essay
(Nominations for Outstanding Community Engaged Student were submitted earlier this year to accommodate University deadlines.) In addition to the above awards, we also honor outstanding curricular service-learning projects with our Best Practices in Service-Learning Recognition. Projects recognized for best practices will have a poster representing the project displayed at the Celebration of Service.
Submit your nominations by April 15 and be a part of our tradition! All forms can be found at
For additional information contact Pilar Pacheco, Managing Director, Center for Community Engagement, at ext. 8851 or
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© Wavelength April 9, 2015