We are excited to provide schools and other organizations the opportunity to virtually visit our campus. It is times like these that we are reminded that higher education can be an important bridge to the future and one that can change the trajectory of our lives. We hope we can provide the necessary information that your students need to consider CSU Channel Islands in the future.

We welcome you to our virtual group tours and we expect all attendees to be respectful at all times throughout the session. Here are some tips to help us provide an exceptional experience.

Tips for Attendees via Zoom:

  • Mute your microphone
    • To help keep background noise to a minimum, make sure you mute your microphone when you are not speaking.
  • Be mindful of background noise
    • When your microphone is not muted, avoid activities that could create additional noise, such as shuffling papers.
  • Position your camera properly
    • If you choose to use a web camera, be sure it is in a stable position and focused at eye level, if possible. Doing so helps create a more direct sense of engagement with other participants.
  • Limit distractions
    • You can make it easier to focus on the meeting by turning off notifications, closing or minimizing running apps, and muting your smartphone.
  • Avoid multi-tasking
    • You'll retain the Admissions information better if you refrain from replying to emails or text messages during the meeting, it can wait until after the tour ends.
  • Be courteous
    • Our Admissions Ambassadors are students of CSU Channel Islands and they have worked really hard to provide your group a presentation and tour. Please be courteous. 
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