
In preparation for the new fiscal year, we will begin a planning exercise that strategically assess where best to reallocate resources that will align with strategies defined by Provost Avila. It is always best practice not to allow resource constraints to limit a planning exercise, but we must acknowledge the fact that any funding for next year will be limited to reallocated sources from within the division. At this moment, there is limited visibility on what reallocated funds will be made available, but any available funding will be reserved for the highest priorities.

Kirk England, AVP Chief Academic Budget Officer


To help identify and prioritize strategic activities for FY 2024 (July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2024) the division is inviting stakeholders to participate in a FY 2024 planning call.  Provost Avila, in consultation with the Senate Budget Committee (SBC), is asking stakeholders from within the division to flesh out existing critical operating needs through the lens of four strategic priorities:

  • Priority 1: Leverage an evolving, distinctive campus and academic identity to effectively serve the people, communities, and workforce needs of the region. Supporting an integrated marketing communication plan.
  • Priority 2: Strengthen the holistic student experience to enhance students’ sense of belonging and affinity to CSUCI.
  • Priority 3: Reinforce and enact the values of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility and create a vibrant and engaging campus culture where students and employees thrive.
  • Priority 4: Advance campus growth and manage and enhance campus resources effectively and sustainably to fulfill our mission of being a transformative force for individuals, communities, the region, and state.

FY 2024 Fiscal Environment

To provide context for the upcoming planning event, the following bulleted items were taken from the provost’s presentation to SRPC on April 14th, 2023:

  • Academic Affairs has been tasked with cutting $4.2M on a one-time basis from the general fund in FY 2024
  • $3.5M (one time) will be taken from the NTT budget to help cover the cut.
  • The remaining one time cut ($700k) will come from reduced spending and strategic resources management.

Academic Affairs FY 2024 Planning Framework

The Academic Affairs FY 2024 planning framework is intended to be a “bottom up” planning process honoring shared governance where students, faculty, chairs, deans, and administrators are consulted. Senior leadership has been tasked with providing the necessary mechanisms for achieving open participation and dialogue across all instructional and administrative units within their specific areas of management. Proposals developed within each instructional or administrative area, will be evaluated, and prioritized at the school/administrative unit level. Once this work has taken place, the Dean/AVP will provide Academic Planning and Budgeting (APB) with:

  • List of proposals (narrative and budget templates), ranked in order of priority, that constitute a final list of requests to move forward for consideration.
  • List of proposals that did not make the final list.

Both lists will be posted to the APB website for memorialization.

Each College/Administrative area’s final list will then be posted to an online planning forum to allow for academic affair’s employees to provide feedback, ask questions, show support etc.

Once the forum is closed for further comment, proposals will move forward to the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee (AABAC) where the committee will evaluate, score, and prioritize the divisions submissions.

Once the AABAC work is complete, a list of recommended proposals will be provided to the provost for consideration.

It’s important to recognize that the process will be competitive and not all proposals will be considered or recommended for funding.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Deans and AVP's

Deans and AVP’s will be charged with leading all planning efforts within their respective schools and administrative units. Faculty and staff are encouraged to engage their Chair, Dean or AVP to determine what each school or administrative unit’s planning process will look like, how best to contribute, etc.

FY 2024 Planning Forum

Each Dean/AVP will provide APB with a comprehensive list of proposals. The list should identify proposals that were considered but not prioritized as well as those that should be reviewed by AABAC. APB will post each proposal to an online forum allowing students, staff, and faculty to engage in an online conversation where each can show support, address concerns, ask questions of stakeholders, etc. Conversations will be captured and used to inform the AABAC, DAA leadership, and Provost for final considerations.

Submitted Proposals & Forum
Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee

Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee (AABAC) will be used to inform the provost and make recommendations that involve planning considerations, fiscal priorities, and other budgetary matters. Committee work will start in earnest in late May.


The following calendar represents the general body of work needing to be accomplished over the next several weeks:

April  28th – May 10th  Working with senior leadership, faculty and managers work in developing proposals that align with the Provost Strategic Direction. Deans/AVP’s vet, rank, and submit area request to APB for inclusion into the FY 2024 Planning Forum

May 17th – May 26th  FY 2024 Planning Forum open for faculty, staff, administrators to provide comment, questions, and feedback.

May 27th – June 2nd  AABAC review, score and developed list of recommendations for Provost consideration.

June 7th AABAC recommendations presented to Provost


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