Elizabeth Vences

Elizabeth Vences-Vivero, affectionately known as Liz, holds a profound connection to service, defining it as a “beneficial action” for those in need within her community. Beginning her journey with Action VC in September 2023 as a volunteer, Liz quickly demonstrated her skill for creating impactful social media content and assisting with event coordination. Her dedication and skill led to her transition from an intern to the pivotal role of content and communication coordinator. This promotion marked a significant milestone in her service journey, showcasing her commitment to supporting individuals and families facing challenges.

Liz's initial inspiration for community service came from volunteering at a Community Christmas Shoppe event organized by Action VC. The joy and hope ignited by participating in gift distributions for underprivileged children reminded her of her experiences, fueling her desire to contribute positively to her community. This realization steered her towards activism and a steadfast commitment to community service.

At CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI), Liz found an environment that nurtured her passion for service. The university's requirement for student involvement with local organizations connected her with Action VC, further solidifying her path toward community engagement. She credits the unique culture and community at CSUCI, along with engaging in discussions about capstone projects with fellow students, for providing a supportive backdrop to her service endeavors.

A pivotal moment for Liz was witnessing the collective effort of her community during the toy distribution event, highlighting the transformative power of simple acts of kindness. This experience underscored the importance of overlooked needs within the community and motivated her to focus on creating accessible resources for volunteer engagement.

Despite the challenges of balancing a busy schedule, Liz's dedication to her service work remains unwavering. She emphasizes the significance of making time for community involvement and has found fulfillment in raising awareness about Action VC's initiatives. The encouragement and wisdom shared by her coworkers, Marlowe and Zarisbeth, have profoundly influenced her approach to service, instilling a desire to spread positivity and assistance to others.

Liz advises students, faculty, and staff at CSUCI interested in embarking on their own service journey to actively seek volunteer opportunities. She believes that community connection offers a valuable perspective on collective challenges and the capacity for individual contributions to foster significant change.

Through her service activities, Liz has contributed to her community's well-being and embarked on a path of personal growth and professional development. Her story embodies the essence of community service—uniting individuals through acts of kindness and cooperation to build a stronger, more resilient society.

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