Adobe Sign has replaced Docusign at CSUCI. The Docusign service is no longer available as of June 1, 2020, and these instructions are deprecated. Start using Adobe Sign today, and learn more about the migration

To check on the status of a form you previously sent in DocuSign, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to DocuSign
  2. Access the DocuSign envelope by clicking on the “Manage” tab and selecting the “Sent” box.
  3. You’ll see a listing of all of the documents you’ve previously sent with basic information about the status of the document
    • TIP: You can narrow the list to find the form for which you're looking by using the search box and filters in the upper right corner.
  4. To get more details about the envelope status, click once on it
  5. A summary will appear showing information about the status of the envelope you’ve selected, including:
    • The email subject and message
    • The overall envelope status (Waiting for Others, Completed, Voided, Draft)
    • The list of recipients, including details about who has the form currently as well as who has already signed and when
    • Thumbnails of the form showing the information and signatures that have already been entered
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