ITS Enterprise Applications (Application Services) provides the following services to the University community.

Applications Development

Development of applications that support University operations and enhance the educational experience.

Project Management

The Application Services staff acknowledges the importance of project management (PM) methods, skills, and tools to deliver IT solutions and services to the University community in an efficient and effective way.  Please view the ITS Project Management page for more information.

Standards and Practices

By using flexible and robust core technologies along with industry best practices, Application Services enables collaboration, and supports the academic and administrative experience at Channel Islands.

Strategy and Planning

Through open processes, Application Services, facilitates communication, research and planning of current and future enterprise systems solutions and services.

Training and Support

Our skilled team of developers and analysts is experienced in providing training and support for a variety of installed application systems.

Enterprise Applications Staff

Michael LeeDirector
Lai LeungProgrammer Analyst
Josue MaganaFinancial Analyst
David NgProgrammer Analyst
Leticia RomeroSystems Analyst
Angela StockmonProduction Control Analyst
Jerry WongProgrammer Analyst
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