Need Help Now?

If you would like to speak to a clinician immediately, please call 855-854-1747 or text or call 988 for the national crisis support line. You can also call CAPS at 805-437-2088 for a crisis appointment.

Ways To Make An Initial Appointment

  1. Call us at 805-437-2088.
  2. E-mail us at
  3. Visit us at Bell Tower East (BTE) 1867. 
  4. See below in the “Appointment Options” section for instructions.

**Ongoing follow-up appointments will be scheduled with your clinician or an administrative assistant.

When Making the Initial Appointment

  • Please let the administrative assistant know if you have any preferences about the clinician with whom you are scheduled to meet.
  • All CAPS appointments are provided in-person or telehealth.
    • If a confidential space is needed for your telehealth appointment, call 805-437-2088 to speak with our staff about using a space in Bell Tower East.

Appointment Options

Please call CAPS at 805-437-2088 or email to schedule all appointment types below.

  • Initial Consultation (IC)

    Initial Consulations with a mental health professional are scheduled as soon as possible based on availability.
    Typically 45-60 minutes.

  • Urgent Care Appointment

    This visit is like going to an Urgent Care clinic. The session will focus on your immediate concerns as they relate to your health and safety.
    Typically 30 minutes.

  • Meeting with a Confidential Campus Advocate

    This appointment could be related to any type of physical or sexual assault and Title IX concerns.

  • Meeting with a Mental Health Peer

    This appointment is a non-crisis, peer-to-peer support for topics such as stress management, anxiety, and depression.

Crisis Appointment

Students are recommended for a crisis appointment under the following circumstances:

  • Recent or current thoughts of harming yourself
  • Recent or current thoughts of harming someone else
  • Recent trauma (e.g., physical or sexual assault)
  • Hearing or seeing things that others do not
  • While these are examples of reasons for an urgent counseling appointment, we want to leave this decision up to you. You may define your own crisis.

If you determine that a crisis appointment is most appropriate for you, please call 805-437-2088 so we can assist you. 

Preparing For Your Telehealth Appointment

  • After you schedule your appointment, you will receive a welcome email with your unique and confidential Zoom for Healthcare link.
  • 24 hours before your appointment, you will receive a reminder about your appointment and be given a link to complete some forms online. Please complete the forms at least an hour prior to your appointment.
  • Clinicians will review your responses to the forms at the time of the appointment.
  • Join the Zoom for Healthcare meeting at least 5-10 minutes prior to the time of your appointment so you can troubleshoot any technical issues.
  • Instructions for using Zoom for Healthcare
  • If you have any questions about the forms or about Zoom for Healthcare, please call us at 805-437-2088 for assistance.
  • Bring your picture ID so we can confirm your identity at the beginning of the session.
  • If you are attending a Case Management appointment, bring your insurance card if available.

Preparing For Your In-Person Appointment

  • Check in with your picture ID at the CAPS front desk, BTE 1867, 30 minutes early to your appointment to complete required forms.
  • If you are attending a Case Management appointment, bring your insurance card if available.
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