I had to leave one of my classes because my baby was sick and it took me 45 minutes to get to them. So it would be so much easier if we were all in one place at CI.

For many students, affordable and accessible childcare can mean the difference between being able to go to college or not. For this reason, a project has been launched at CSU Channel Islands with hopes of gathering enough vital information to support establishing an education and care center on campus.

In 2010 CI received a generous grant from the US Department of Education. This grant, Project Vista, was able to fund a thorough Needs Assessment that examined the extent to which students, faculty and staff are in need of on-campus services supporting childcare and dependent adult or elder care.

The need for these services was assessed using web-based surveys, one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and web-based research and searches of various college and university services. Participants included CI undergraduates, post-bachelorette students, as well as students from community college.

Some Results from the Family Services Needs Assessment

  • 22% of students and 37% of faculty and staff have indicated some or great adverse effects due to the lack of services for children or dependent adults on campus.
  • 47% of students and 68% of faculty and staff indicated that childcare should be an important priority when taking into account all priorities for campus.
  • 40% of students and 4% of faculty and staff earn $15,130 or less in annual family income.
  • 28% of students and 44% of faculty and staff indicated they have children under their care.
  • 77% of students and 69% of faculty and staff with children indicated that they are likely to use campus-based childcare if it were available.

Family Services Needs Assessment (PDF, 918.8 KB)

Next Steps

If you have an immediate need for childcare and you are a Ventura County resident, the best alternative is for you to contact Child Care Resources and Referral at Child Development Resources. 

They can assist you with locating appropriate childcare for your child.

A group of people representing each division on this cross-campus, student success initiative has begun working in Spring 2013 on developing plans for an education and care center for children at CI. Success in this effort will require not only a detailed service plan, a sound business model and substantial funding, but also the continuous support of the campus community.

Message from Childcare at CI team (MS Word)

Current CI Childcare Resources

Photo of El Dorado Hall Lactation Room

CSUCI Lactation Room Locations:

  • El Dorado Hall 153
  • Madera Hall 1411
  • Broome Library 2366
  • Sierra Hall 3304
  • Trinity Hall (room # TBA)
  • University Hall no longer hosts a Lactation Room

CSUCI Lactation Room Map

If you would like to support childcare at CI or help make this happen, contact the Early Childhood Studies program: ecs@csuci.edu.

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