Not Registered with DASS?

Accommodations are not automatically provided by the University. It is the student’s choice to self-identify a disability and their responsibility to apply and request for DASS services. Learn more about Academic Accommodations

When to apply for Academic Accommodations?

Our new student appointments for Academic Accommodations for Fall 2023 will begin at the start of Fall 2023 registration of classes. The date of your appointment with a DASS counselor is dependent on your DASS application completion date and your course registration date. Students may apply for Academic Accommodations later in the semester if they decide that Academic Accommodations are needed.

Note: Academic Accommodations and Housing Accommodations have two different application processes. For DASS Housing Accommodations, students are encouraged to apply by the deadline.

How to Apply for Academic Accommodations

New and current CSUCI students are welcome to apply for DASS Academic Accommodations. Students who have already registered with DASS do not need to re-apply for services.

Complete the Academic Accommodations Application in its entirety. Supporting documentation must be submitted for a complete application. Applications without documentation are considered incomplete and the review process will not be initiated prior to submission of all required documents.

Note: If you do not have your supporting documentation at the time of submitting the application for academic accommodations, you may email your supporting documentation to after submitting your application.

Acceptable Documentation for Academic Accommodations

  • Educational or medical records, reports and assessments created by health care providers, school psychologists, teachers, or the education system
  • Our Disability Verification Form filled out by a licensed/certified professional qualified to diagnose and treat the condition.

Applications without supporting documentation will be put on hold until documentation is provided. Students may be asked to re-submit the Academic Accommodations Application.

Note: If you do not have any of the documentation listed above, you must complete and submit a Self-Report Form. However, if the nature and extent of the disability is not evident, DASS may ask for the submission of additional supporting documentation.

Returning Students

Each semester, students registered with DASS will need to request accommodations for every class via their DASS Online Portal. Returning students are encouraged to request classroom accommodations immediately after course registration to ensure that accommodations are provided in a timely manner.

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