Timekeeper FAQs

Q: Is there a step-by-step process guide for the Timekeeper role?
A: Yes. Download the “Absence Management Timekeeper process guide" in PDF format or visit the Absence Management webpage.
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Q: What happens if a timekeeper forgets to correct an absence entry?
A: If you remember, you should contact your Payroll Tech. Otherwise, if the error is something that doesn’t meet the guidelines/rules, then Payroll will catch and correct the error. If the error is not caught before payroll is finalized, then an adjustment will need to be sent to payroll, and will be corrected in the next payroll cycle.
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Q: Can a timekeeper adjust an existing absence entry that they have already submitted for approval?
No. The absence needs to first be deleted, then re-entered correctly. (See page 11 in the AM Timekeeper business process guide.)
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Q: Who can I contact if I have a question about AMSS? 
Please contact the Payroll Tech assigned to your department. (Refer to the "Payroll Services - Assigned Department Guide" on the Payroll Services website.)
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