Accessing Absence Management Self-Service (AMSS)
- Sign in to myCI
- Select CHRS tile
Employee Self-Service
Employees are required to enter their absences into AMSS throughout the month or report no leave taken by the reporting deadline on the Payroll calendar.
Step-by-step instructions for entering time are available at the links below:
Self-Service Guide | Video Guides |
Absence Approvers
The main function of an Approver is to review employee submitted absences, advise employees when corrections are necessary, and approve absences by the approval deadline. Approvers have the ability to enter absences on behalf of an employee and may include a comment addressing why the change was made.
Self-Service Guide | Video Guides |
Approve Absences | n/a |
Manager Approve No Leave Taken | Approve No Leave Taken |
Cancel Employee Absence | Cancel Employee Absences |
Additional Resources
For CHRS Time and Labor related questions email or leave a message on the Payroll Services voice mail, ext. 3630, and a payroll representative will contact you.