Instructionally Related Activities Funds Request Summary

Project SponsorCynthia Wyels
Activity TitleCSU Student Research Competition
Activity/Event DateMay 9 - 10, 2015
Date Funding Needed ByJan., 2015
Previously Funded?Yes
Semester/YearSpring '14
Proposal #
Report submitted for previously Funded Activity?Yes
Report submitted for previously Funded Activitysample-csusrc-ira-report.pdf (PDF)
Academic Program or Center NameCSUCI Student Research Advisory Committee (a cross-program and cross-college group)
Estimated total Course Fee revenue$0
Amount Requested from IRA$3750
Estimated Number of Students Participating18
Conditions and ConsiderationsField Trip
Brief Activity DescriptionThe annual CSU Research Competition brings together approximately 200 student researchers from all 23 CSU campuses to share their high quality research with the larger CSU community. Each campus nominates up to 10 student teams to attend. Research is judged on the basis of a written paper and an oral presentation, and awards are announced at the conclusion of the competition. The educational goals of the activity are to develop discipline-specific technical oral and written communication skills, to recognize outstanding student research from all programs at CSU Channel Islands, and to demonstrate that CI’s student research fits into a larger dynamic research community.
Learning Outcomes and Relation to IRA to Course OfferingsStudents enrolled in UNIV 498, all Capstone courses, and several discipline-specific research courses such as PSYCH 300 produce original research results. The requested funding would support travel for 10 CI student research teams to share those results with the CSU community at the Student Research Competition.
Description of Assessment ProcessIn addition to assessment carried out by judges for the Research Competition, the faculty chaperone and students will analyze qualities of successful talks they heard during the competition so that students can learn to improve their own presentations. Attendees will also be given a questionnaire (to evaluate their overall experience).
Activity Budgetcsusrc-2015-budget.xlsx (MS Excel)
CIA Budget
CIA Proposal
Course Syllabus
CIA Certification
Other Sources of FundingBudget Rationale:
We estimate that the 10 CSUCI teams will account for approximately 18 students, and we add costs for one faculty member to accompany the students. (This faculty member will also take the lead in organizing on-campus rehearsals to help students prepare and making travel arrangements.) Many other faculty are engaged throughout the year in mentoring these students through research projects, reviewing their materials and determining which individuals/ research groups will represent CI, and preparing the CI representatives.

Since 2010 all costs for students to participate in the CSU Student Research Competition have been supported through IRA funds. CI has received recognition far beyond its relative size in this competition. Student research on this campus has grown to the point that we have institutionalized processes for nominating and selecting the students/ student teams who represent CSUCI at this prestigious event.

There are no other sources of funding.
Target Audience/Student MarketingStudents conducting significant research are nominated by their faculty research mentors. There is a year-long process to select the students who will represent CI.
Bring Benefit to CampusCSU Channel Islands receives recognition from the excellence of the projects presented at this competition. All students engaged benefit from extensive mentoring through research projects from faculty: this includes students who are not in the final group selected to represent CI. Future students benefit from the strong student research culture developing on this campus.
Program Chair/Directorsimone.aloisio
Academic Affairs AVPkaren.carey
AcknowledgementI acknowledge that I have reviewed and accepted the Conditions and Considerations herein. Please check off boxes as appropriate.

Program Chair/Director Approval

ApprovalI approve the IRA Funds Request described on this page
NameSimone Aloisio
Date/Time3/2/2014 5:42:04 PM

Academic Affairs AVP Approval

ApprovalI approve the IRA Funds Request described on this page
NameKaren Carey
Date/Time3/4/2014 8:12:23 AM
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