New and Exciting Services Offered at Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS has an exciting new line up of groups (PDF, 78KB) and workshops for all students. Topics include: mindfulness for wellness and relationships, groups for individuals of African heritage, Latino/a students, veterans, the LGBTQ+ community and grief, anxiety, and healing after sexual assault support groups.
One day workshops (PDF, 57KB) on various topics are also available. Registering is quick and easy. Groups and workshops are filling up fast, so click on the following link to begin your journey to wellness today.
Please note change in office hours: CAPS is now open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday from 10a.m. to 5 p.m. Urgent same day appointments are honored during office hours. 24/7 phone counseling is always available by calling the main number at 805-437-2088.
For more information contact Stacy Udolph, Clinician/Outreach Coordinator, CAPS, at 805-437-2088 or
New Staff Council Website
The CI Staff Council has a new website! Visit the new site from the Staff page or directly at Learn about CI Staff Council members, sponsored programs and events, and staff recognition-including the new Staff Award for Excellence and Affinity Group membership.
Whether you’re a recent hire, have been on campus for years, or are a retiree looking to reconnect, the CI Staff Council is here to help. We meet the third Tuesday of the month and report directly to President Erika Beck.
For more information, questions or suggestions, please email us at
Professional Development
Join us for our February Spring Professional Development Workshops for CI staff. Take time to strengthen your skills and wellness as you network with colleagues.
Workshop details and RSVP link are available on the flier.
For more information contact Rachel Linares, Professional Development Trainer/Coordinator at 805-437-8442 or
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© Wavelength February 16, 2017