Writing at CI

Faculty at CI teach writing intensive interdisciplinary classes as well as classes on writing in the majors. The resources below were largely designed by CI Faculty and are collected here as a resource for future use. Please email Mary Adler if you'd like to add a resource!

Roving Rhetorician
Downloadable faculty-developed resources are provided at the bottom of the page.

Campus Writing Presentations/Artifacts
See attached for PowerPoints and handouts from past presentations on writing conducted by faculty at CI

Writing Center Collection of Faculty Resources
The Writing Center offers a variety of websites faculty can use to obtain information on plagiarism as well as writing strategies.

These are both great resource to help faculty to better allocate their grading time.

Ferris, Dana. “Teaching Students to Self-Edit.” TESOL Journal. 4.4 (1995) 18-22. Print. (PDF, 60.4KB)
Many faculty wonder how best to help students still learning English. This article provides some answers.

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