The true measure of a university’s greatness can be found in the achievements of its alumni and alumnae. California State University Channel Islands is beginning to be known as a place where leaders are developed in many fields of endeavor. A significant number of the University’s alumni and alumnae have gained unique distinction through success in their professions, service to the University, and contribution to their communities. The University and the Alumni & Friends Association established the Distinguished Alumnus Award program in 2013, the campus’ 10-Year Anniversary, to honor outstanding former students and to celebrate their achievements.

Nominate an Alumnus

Purpose and Philosophy

The purpose of the Distinguished Alumnus program is to recognize the University’s alumni and alumnae who have made significant contributions to society, and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the legacy of excellence at the University.

The Distinguished Alumnus Award does more than honor its recipients. It also further illustrates the great value of the academic programs and student involvement at CSUCI and increases the pride all former students, students, staff and faculty have for the University. The award program recognizes those men and women who demonstrate the CSUCI Way and the power of the Dolphin experience to the people of Ventura County, California, the nation and the world.

Criteria for Selection

Recipients will be accomplished in the three distinct areas as outlined below. This distinction will be reflective of CI’s mission pillars – International Perspectives, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Multicultural Learning & Engagement, and Civic Engagement. The three areas are:

  • Professional Achievement and Career or Military Service Distinction: The recipient attained prominence through their efforts in their industry, technology, education, government, military or other worthy endeavors that form a record of accomplishment impressive to the citizens of Ventura County or beyond.
  • Service to Society: The recipient exhibits integrity and a demonstrated commitment to service through an interest in bettering the lives of others through volunteer efforts.
  • Service and Support to CSU Channel Islands: The recipient’s deeds and actions reflect the importance of their educational training, pride in alma mater and loyalty to CSUCI, as demonstrated through their interest in and support of the University, the Alumni & Friends Association and their programs.

Eligible Nominees

Eligible nominees will have been enrolled in a regular course of study at CSUCI. Former students may be nominated posthumously. These awards are given for outstanding achievement and no compromises diminishing the significance of the awards will be made.

Method of Nomination

Nominations may be made for a Distinguished Alumnus Award by any of the following individuals or groups noted below:

  • Any member of the Alumni & Friends Association;
  • Any member of the University administration, faculty or staff;
  • Any member of an affiliate or support organization of the University;
  • Any current or former CSUCI student;
  • Any friend of CSUCI.

Method of Award Recipient Selection

The Alumni & Friends Association will use the following guidelines for the Award Recipient Selection:

  • Nominations will be reviewed by the CSUCI Alumni Staff and then submitted to the Alumni & Friends Association Executive Board for final selection. 

Past Award Recipients

  • 2014 - Elisabeth Freeman, Biology '06
  • 2015 - Gary Cushing, Political Science '10
  • 2017 - Allison MacDonald, Psychology '07
  • 2019 - Kirsten '04 and Andrew '04 Skinner, Business
  • 2020- Channing Lenert, Political Science '11
  • 2022 - Dr. Jeffery Alexander, Jr., Communication '10
  • 2024 - Dhruv Pandya , Computer Science '17
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