Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Per Diem
What allowance will the traveler be paid for M&IE?
Day of Travel | Allowance Is |
First Day on Travel Status | 75% of the applicable M&IE per diem rate |
Subsequent Day on Travel Status | 100% of the applicable M&IE per diem rate |
Last Day on Travel Status | 75% of the applicable M&IE per diem rate |
Where does the traveler find the M&IE per diem rates?
Traveling To | Update Frequency | Rates Set by and Link |
Continental United States | Annually every October 1 | General Services Administration |
Non-foreign Areas (Alaska, Hawaii, US Possessions) | Annually | Department of Defense, (Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC) |
International | Beginning of each Month | Department of State |
Can travelers book AIRBNB, VRBO and alike? Yes, with the same requirements listed under Lodging.
What constitutes as "Coach" since many airlines offer other categories (ie: Super Saver, Business Class, etc)? The cheapest fare may not be appropriate given some airlines restrictions on the cheapest fare such as no baggage carry-on. Traveler should select the most cost-effective fare given the length of trip.
Will the traveler be reimbursed for per diem M&IE if the official travel is less than 24 hours? No. However, 75% of the per diem M&IE may be allowed if the travel includes an overnight stay as supported by a lodging receipt. See Less Than 24 Hours Travel
What determines a traveler's per diem reimbursement rate? The traveler's assignment location determines the per diem reimbursement rate.
What per diem reimbursement rate will the traveler receive if a meal(s) is provided or is included in the registration fee? The per diem M&IE must be adjusted for meals provided by deducting the appropriate amount based on the GSA website.
What per diem reimbursement rate will the traveler receive if they went to multiple business locations in a single day? M&IE per diem rates will be based on the location where the traveler spent the night.
Does the traveler need to submit receipts when claiming per diem allowance? No. Expenses reimbursed using per diem allowance do not require supporting receipts as long as the claim meets other substantiation requirements, including date, place, and business purpose.
What expenses are included in the per diem rate for M&IE? Meals include expenses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and related tips and taxes. Incidental expenses include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, and hotel staff.
Who can I contact if I have more questions? Send your questions via email to