What We Do
Whether you're looking to add new professional skills, refresh some old ones, bring balance to your work and personal lives, or develop a customized workshop for your team, CSUCI's Employee Learning and Development is here to help.
The Professional Development and Personal Enrichment (PDPE) program offers a range of in-person and on-demand courses designed to help you and your team advance your professional skills and develop your personal well-being. If you would like to facilitate a course, please fill out this presenter form and the learning and development specialist will contact and consult with you.
In-Person Courses button features our monthly live on-line, in-person sessions and some "Just in Time" self- viewing topics.
On-Demand Courses button has been updated and now features our NEW "Learning Toolkits" in areas such as Microsoft 365 and Adobe Sign with more toolkit topics on the way! These are created to be on-line, self paced courses.
Contact Us
Location: CSU Channel Islands
One University Drive, Solano Hall 2210- Employee Learning & Development (ELD)
Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: 805-437-8553
Note- Please contact us regarding the Employee Learning and Development (ELD) Space, hours/days we are open.
Upcoming Events
- Cross Campus Collaborations Complete in December Look for Spring sign-ups in the New Year!
- December Workshops on pause- Happy Holidays!