The President's Planning and Policy Council is comprised of students, faculty and staff. It is the role of President's Planning and Policy Council to develop, review and recommend administrative policy to the President. The policy review process is explained in the PPPC Process.

Visit the University Policy Manual for the complete listing of policies. 

The next PPPC meeting information can be found below:

Date Agenda Policies for Recommendation (2nd Reading) Policies for Discussion (1st Reading) Policies for Consent
11.04.24 Agenda (PDF, 107 KB)

i. Policy on Animals on Campus (Drake Massey)

ii. Policy on Sustainable Practices (Roxane Beigel-Coryell)

iii. Policy on Hospitality, Prizes, Awards, Gifts and Incentives (Bradley Olin)

iv. Policy on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (Colleen Forest)

v. Policy on Principal Investigator (Saiqa Anne Quereshi)

vi. Policy on Misconduct in HHS-Supported Research (Saiqa Anne Qureshi)

vii. Policy on Research and Sponsored Programs Records Retention (Saiqa Anne Qureshi)

i. Policy on Sponsored Projects Administration (Saiqa Anne Quershi)

ii. Policy on Principal Investigator Financial Conflict of Interest (Saiqa Anne Quereshi)

iii. Policy on Cost Allocation, Cost Recovery and Cost Sharing on Externally Funded Grants and Contracts (Saiqa Anne Qureshi)

iv. Policy on Subrecipient Monitoring (Saiqa Anne Qureshi)

v. Policy on Intellectual Property (Saiqa Anne Qureshi)



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