eTravel is Here!

On May 1, 2018, CSU Channel Islands launched a new online booking and expense report program, Certify. The Procurement and Accounts Payable teams, in consultation with Information Technology Services (ITS), worked to configure the online tool for campus use and prepared user guides and training for employees. The system was tested first with a small group of users, then with the Business & Financial Affairs and ITS Divisions, and it is now available to all CSUCI employees.

What Certify Does

With Certify, the campus has:

  1. A single service for booking and expense reporting
  2. Travel policies integrated into the booking and expense reporting process
  3. Booking information automatically assigned to an expense report
  4. The ability to create, approve and process expense reports electronically
  5. A mobile app for creating and submitting expense reports
  6. The ability to scan receipts with the app and have expense data automatically detected and populated into a user’s expense report

Project Plan

 Campus roll-out of Certify was conducted in two main phases:

  • March 1, 2018: Launched Certify for Business & Financial Affairs and ITS
  • May 1, 2018: Launched Certify for the rest of campus

This staged rollout allowed the project team to test the system and make adjustments to its configuration, to the communication plan, and to the staff training sessions.

Live training was conducted ahead of each phase, and the training materials are now available online. If you have any questions about the project or suggestions for improvements, please contact us.

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