Current Membership

Staff Council consists of elected staff members from the five campus divisions and an executive board of five additional staff members. Representatives and executive board members serve 3-year terms. See Bylaws & Governance for more details. 

Executive Board (2023-2026)


Vice Chair



Custodian of Records

Photo of Rebecca Slocum Photo of Sean Kramer Photo of Rachel Danielson Photo of Colleen Haws Photo of Amanda Sanchez
Rebecca Slocum  Sean Kramer Rachel Danielson Colleen Haws Amanda Sanchez

Division Representatives (2022-2025)

Academic Affairs

Alex Garza
Courtney Gross

Maximilian Seligman

Business & Financial Affairs

Makayla Matheu
Paula Robertson

Melissa Bergem

Student Affairs

Tom Emens
Carolina Martinez

Yasmine Wyatt

University Advancement

Alexandria Calderon

Hayley Van Arsdell Morrison

Office of the President

Paul Peterson
Brian Lindgren

Ex-Officio Members

Role Name Term
Former Staff Council Chair Annie Block-Weiss 07/01/23-06/30/26
Academic Senate Chair Christina Smith 07/01/24-06/30/26
Student Government President Andrew Fox 07/01/24-06/30/25
University President Richard Yao N/A

Shared Governance

Staff representative(s) for Academic Senate and Senate Committees

Name Term Committee Status
Cynthia County AY24-25 N/A Volunteer
Jeannette Edwards AY24-25 N/A Volunteer
Sean Kramer AY24-25 Executive Committee Staff Councilor
seeking nominations AY24-25 Appointments, Elections, and Bylaws Committee (AEBC)  
Courtney Gross AY24-25 Committee on Equity & Anti-Racism (CEAR) Staff Councilor
Rachel Danielson AY24-25 Unity Coalition Staff Councilor

Staff representative(s) for the Non Tenure Track Faculty Council

Name Term Status
Rachel Danielson AY24-25 Staff Councilor

Campus Initiatives

Staff representative(s) for the Employee Campus Climate Survey Committee

Name Term Status
Rebecca Slocum AY24-25 Staff Council Chair*

Staff representative(s) for the President's Advisory Council on Inclusive Excellence (PACIE)

Name Term Status
Rebecca Slocum AY24-25 Staff Council Chair*

Staff representative(s) for the President's Planning & Policy Council (PPPC)

Name Term Status
Rebecca Slocum AY24-25 Staff Council Chair*
Brian Lindgren AY24-25 Staff Councilor
Edna Davoudi AY24-25 Volunteer

Staff representative(s) for Strategic Resources and Planning Committee (SRPC)

Name Term Status
Rebecca Slocum AY24-25 Staff Council Chair*
Alex Calderon AY24-25 - AY25-26 Staff Councilor
Amanda Sanchez AY24-25 - AY25-26 Staff Councilor

Staff representative(s) for Student Success, Inclusive Excellence, & Continuous Improvement (SSIECI) Task Force

Name Term Status
Riley Crain AY24-25 Volunteer
seeking nominations AY24-25  

Staff representative(s) for the University Art Review Committee (UARC)

Name Term Status
Kellen Smith AY23-24 - AY24-25 Volunteer

Staff representative(s) for the University Police Advisory Council (UPAC)

Name Term Status
Alex Garza AY24-25 Staff Councilor

Staff representative(s) for the University Response Team (URT)

Name Term Status
Rebecca Slocum AY24-25 Staff Council Chair*

* - representative seat must be filled by the Staff Council Chair.

** - pending start of AY or confirmation of appointment

Not all campus-wide initiatives require the staff representative be a current members of Staff Council - for these, anyone can serve. If you're interested in volunteering to serve on one of the above groups as an advocate for staff interests, or would like to sign up to be contacted should a new initiative be launched and volunteers needed at a later date, click the button below. Be sure to include any restrictions you may have, or any particular interests or skillsets you feel are relevant.


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