CSUCI has been allocated permanent funding to be used in support of a variety of GI 2025 initiatives. Interim President Richard Yao has asked that $1,266,255 be earmarked and utilized according to the following Presidential Priorities:
- Increase Year 1 and 2 Retention: Increase first year credit completion and decrease DFWs
- Increase New Student Enrollment
- Increase Financial Support for Students
- Improve Customer Service Response Times and Customer Satisfaction for Students as
well as Internal Campus Partners
Next Steps – Campus
The SRPC has tasked each division with developing proposals that align with the President’s priorities. Division’s will submit their ranked list of proposals to SRPC for review and possible funding considerations this December.
SRPC will begin their review of the proposals in January 2022. Awards will be announced by the President in late February/early March of 2022.
Academic Affairs FY 2022 GI 2025 Planning Framework
The Academic Affairs FY 2022 GI 2025 planning framework is intended to be a “bottom up” planning process honoring shared governance where students, faculty, chairs, deans, and administrators are consulted. Senior leadership has been tasked with providing the necessary mechanisms for achieving open participation and dialogue across all instructional and administrative units within their specific areas of management. Proposals developed within each instructional or administrative area, will be evaluated, and prioritized at the school/administrative unit. The Dean/AVP will submit their final prioritized list of plans, not to exceed 10, to the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee (AABAC) where the committee will evaluate, score, and prioritize the divisions submissions. Once the committee work is completed, a list of recommended proposals will be provided to the Provost for consideration. A final list of proposals will be submitted to SRPC by the Provost for funding consideration.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources
Deans and AVP's
Deans and AVP’s will be charged with leading all planning efforts within their respective schools and administrative units. All divisional units will use the GI 2025 planning framework to include supporting documentation. Faculty and staff are encouraged to engage their Chair, Dean or AVP to determine what each school or administrative unit planning process will look like, and how best to contribute.
GI 2025 Planning Forum
Each Dean/AVP will submit up to 10 proposals, ranked in order of priority, to APB.
APB will post proposals to an online forum allowing students, staff, and faculty to
engage in an online conversation where each can show support, concerns, ask questions
of stakeholders, etc. Conversations will be captured and used to inform the AABAC,
DAA leadership, and Provost for final considerations.
Submitted Proposals & Forum
Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee
Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee (AABAC) will be used to inform the Provost and make recommendations that involve planning considerations, fiscal priorities, and other budgetary matters. Committee work will start in earnest within the month of December.
The following calendar represents the general body of work needing to be accomplished over the next several months:
October 27th – November 12thWorking with senior leadership, faculty and managers work in developing proposals that align with the Presidential Priorities. Deans/AVP’s vet, rank, and submit area request to APB for inclusion into the GI 2025 Planning Forum
November 15th – November 21stGI 2025 Planning Forum open for faculty, staff, administrators to provide comment, questions, and feedback.
December 1st – December 10thAABAC review, score and developed list of recommendations for Provost consideration.
December 13th AABAC recommendations presented to Provost
December 17th Academic Affairs submits final series of SRPC for consideration.
- AABAC Final FY 2022 GI 2025
- FY 2022 GI 2025 Approved Funding
- Academic Affairs GI 2025 Final Recommendations to Campus
- Planning Proposal Narrative - To be completed for each submission
- Planning Workbook - Expected costs of the plan as defined by the workbook
- Scoring Rubric - What the AABAC will use for scoring each proposal