FAQ for Course Withdrawal

  • A course withdrawal refers to any course(s) that a student drops after the first three weeks of the semester. A grade of "W" will appear on the transcript to denote the change to their enrollment. A complete withdrawal from all classes is referred to a Term Withdrawal. You can read more information about our withdrawal procedures here.
  • The withdrawal limit for undergraduates is 18 units. This policy does not apply to post-baccalaureates- including those seeking a second BA/BS degree. Prior to Fall 2009, there was no withdrawal limit. Any withdrawals that occurred before the limit was established will be excluded from the 18 unit limit.

FAQ for Repeats and Averaging Grades

  • Also known as Grade Forgiveness,  a course repeat is the repetition of a course for the sake of improving upon an earlier unsatisfactory performance in which the new grade replaces the old grade in the calculation of the grade point average (GPA).  Course Repeats are allowed if the first attempt has an insufficient grade of one of the following: "C-," "D+," "D," "D-," "F," "WU," or "IC."
  • Undergraduate students may repeat an individual course for grade forgiveness no more than once or two (2)attempts total. Prior to Fall 2013, courses could be repeated more than twice in an undergraduate career.
  • Beginning Fall 2018, undergraduate students may repeat a total of sixteen (16) semester units taken at Channel Islands for forgiveness. Beyond the sixteen (16) units, an additional twelve (12) units will be averaged in the total GPA. Therefore, students will be held to a total of twenty-eight (28) units. 

    Please contact registrar@csuci.edu if you have questions about repeat maximums.  

  • Grading averaging is the repetition of a course for the sake of improving upon an earlier unsatisfactory performance in which the new grade does not replace the old grade(s) in the calculation of the student’s GPA, and instead all grades are use in the GPA calculation.  Courses are repeated for grade averaging after the limit of repetitions for grade forgiveness has been exhausted.

  • The current policy on course repeats can be found in the University Catalog, under the Grades, Honors and Awards section.

  • Yes, exceptions can arise depending on the student's situation. Channel Islands will provide a petition process so that the unit limits could be extended. A common reason for this would be medical issues beyond the student's control. Please note: A set processing time will be required before the exception can be reflected in the student's totals.

  • The student records system has a Repeat "counter" which will appear and be updated each term at the time of final grade posting. Students can refer to their Student Center at CI Records to view their withdrawal and repeat totals.

    For instructions, please visit: Withdrawal and Repeats totals 

  • Questions regarding the accuracy of totals should be referred to our email address: registrar@csuci.edu

FAQ for Course "Incomplete" Grades

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