Consider These Before Withdrawing

Prior to the First Day of Classes

Students who have registered for classes for the upcoming term, and have since decided not to attend CSU Channel Islands, should drop all of their classes via their myCI account. Non-attendance does not constitute a formal withdrawal.

First Day of Classes through Week 3

Students may still drop classes via their myCI account for the first three weeks of the semester. Additional approval is not required, and no "W" grade will be assigned. Non-attendance does not constitute a formal drop.

  • Continuing students in good academic standing that wish to take more than one semester off should submit a Request for Academic Leave (PDF, 58KB) to the Registrar's Office.
  • Newly admitted students are not eligible for Academic Leave. See the Academic Leave Procedures page for more information.
  • Students dropping or withdrawing after the term begins may be responsible for a prorated assessment of tuition and other fees and must verify their account status with Student Business Services at 805-437-8810

Week 3 deadline by term:

Fall 2024: Friday, September 13, 2024 by 12 Noon

Weeks 4 through End of Term

Course Withdrawal Deadline:
Fall 2024:
Friday, November 15, 2024 by 11:59PM

Starting week 4 through the end of week 12, students needing to withdraw from a class must submit an online Course Withdrawal request. (Course Withdrawal Guide)

Supporting documentation is expected to accompany any request for withdrawal.
A "W" grade will be assigned to any withdrawal during this time.

Unless otherwise documented, the University will use the date the Course Withdrawal and supporting documentation are received by the Registrar's Office as the date the student notified the school of the withdrawal and the last date of attendance.  Please Note:  If your last date of attendance falls on a day the University is not in session (e.g., Spring Break), the Registrar's Office will use the most recent previous school day when processing your withdrawal.

Term Withdrawal Deadlines

Summer 2024:
Deadline to submit a request is Friday, August 30, 2024
Final deadline to submit any missing documentation is Friday, September 6, 2024.

Any requests still incomplete after this date will not be processed and students will retain all earned grades and academic standing.

Fall 2024:
Deadline to submit a request is TBD
Final deadline to submit any missing documentation is TBD
Any requests still incomplete after this date will not be processed and students will retain all earned grades and academic standing.

Students wishing to withdraw from all courses before the end of week 12 must complete a Term Withdrawal Request Form (PDF, 192KB), including instructor and program chair signatures, and email both the form and supporting documentation to   

Withdrawals after the end of week 12 are allowed for serious and compelling reasons only, such as illness, accident, death in the family, financial hardship, or military duty.  Reasons that are not considered serious and compelling include course workload, neglecting to drop during the first three weeks, or failing an assignment.

Students have until 10 business days after the end of the term to request a term withdrawal.  Approved requests will be noted as "W"s on the transcript.  See the Withdrawal Procedures webpage for additional information. 

Requests must include all required instructor and chair signatures, as well as supporting documentation. Any incomplete requests will not be processed.

  • Students withdrawing after the 3rd week are considered continuing students and will automatically be eligible for registration in the following semester. Students not returning for the following semester should complete a Request for Academic Leave (PDF, 58KB).
  • Students withdrawing after the term begins may be responsible for a prorated assessment of tuition and other fees and must verify their account status with Student Business Services at 805-437-8810.
  • Newly admitted students are not eligible for Academic Leave. See the Academic Leave Procedures page for more information.
  • Financial Aid recipients must note the following information: As a recipient of federal student aid funds, CSU Channel Islands is required to calculate the amount of the funds to be returned to any Federal Student Aid programs. This calculation is referred to as “Return of Title IV” funds and is mandated by the U.S. Department of Education. Based on your last date of attendance, you will earn a certain percentage of federal student aid funds. Your earned aid percentage takes into consideration the number of days you completed in the semester up until your official withdrawal from the university or last date of attendance. For specific questions, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships office at 805-437-8530.

    Unless otherwise documented, the University will use the date the Term Withdrawal request and supporting documentation are received by the Registrar's Office as the date the student notified the school of the withdrawal and the last date of attendance. Please Note:  If your last date of attendance falls on a day the University is not in session (e.g., Spring Break), the Registrar's Office will use the most recent previous school day when processing your withdrawal.

Individual Course Withdrawal FAQs

  • How does the process work? What are the steps?
  • Do I have to include supporting documentation?
  • What is considered “serious and compelling”?
  • How do I check the status of my request?
  • What if I forgot to add supporting documentation?
  • What if the course I want to withdraw from has a corequisite?
  • The instructor/program chair assigned to my request doesn’t have the link/email anymore. What do I do?
  • What if the course I want to withdraw from is not on the list of options?
  • The instructor/program chair states they do not have access to review my request
  • What if I submitted a request, but I want to cancel it?

  • How does the process work? What are the steps?
    • After your request is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. An email will also be sent to the instructor of the course. If the instructor approves, the request will move on to the Program Chair for review. Finally, if the Program Chair approves, a notice will be sent to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
    • If at any point along the way your request is denied, you will receive an email
    • If the request is fully approved and processed, you will receive a confirmation email
  • Do I have to include supporting documentation?
    • Documentation that would support your request is recommended, but not required
    • You will, however, be required to enter an explanation of your reason and why it is “serious and compelling” as required by University policy
  • What is considered “serious and compelling”?
    • Serious and compelling reasons include (but are not limited to) illness, accident, death in the family, financial hardship, or military duty.
    • You may contact the Registrar’s Office if you are unsure your reason/situation qualifies
  • How do I check the status of my request?
    • Log into Course Withdrawal portal
    • Click on “Submitted Withdrawal Request(s)”
    • Click on the link for the request you are checking on
    • Click on “Current Status” from the menu of options
  • What if I forgot to add supporting documentation?
    • You can go back into your request and add documentation at any point in the process up until a final decision has been made
  • What if the course I want to withdraw from has a corequisite?
    • You must submit a separate request for each course
    • Both must be approved before the withdrawals will be processed
  • The instructor/program chair assigned to my request doesn’t have the link/email anymore. What do I do?
    • Contact the Registrar’s Office and we can resend the link to the faculty member
  • What if the course I want to withdraw from is not on the list of options?
    • Contact the Registrar’s Office and we can review for any system issues
    • In the meantime, the Registrar’s Office can provide you with an alternative process
  • The instructor/program chair states they do not have access to review my request
    • Contact the Registrar’s Office and we can review access
  • What if I submitted a request, but I want to cancel it?
    • Contact the Registrar’s Office and we can update the status of your request
    • An email will be sent to the instructor and program chair to let them know the request has been cancelled
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