Use this formula to see if your grade point average and test scores meet the required eligibility index:
SAT I Scores: (Your GPA*) x 800 + Your SAT I total (math+CR/EBRW) = Your Eligibility Index (Note: Please scroll down to find information on the revised SAT exam.)
ACT Scores: (Your GPA)* x 200 + (10 x ACT Comp) = Your Eligibility Index
*Based on grades earned in all approved college preparatory "A-G" courses after the 9th grade
- Up to eight semesters of honors courses taken in the last two years of high school will be granted additional points (an A in an honors course will receive a total of 5 points; B, 4 points; C, 3 points; D, 1 point).
- California High School Graduates or California Residents must have a minimum index of 2950 using SAT I scores or 694 using ACT scores.
- Non- CA High School Graduates or non- CA Residents must have a minimum index of 3570 using SAT I scores or 842 using ACT scores.
For the Eligibility Index Table for California High School Graduates or Residents of California, please visit:
For the Eligibility Index Table for Non-resident or Non-graduates of California, please visit:
For students interested in taking the ACT, visit CSU Channel Islands’ school code to send ACT Scores is 0204. The last ACT test administration CSU Channel Islands will take for fall admissions is the early December administration.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
For students interested in taking the SAT, visit CSU Channel Islands’ school code to send SAT scores is 4128. The last SAT test administration CSU Channel Islands will take for fall admissions is the early December administration.
The New Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
In March 2016, the College Board began administering a redesigned SAT. Most fall 2016 entering first-time freshmen would have taken the long-standing (“old”) version of the test and would not be affected by this change. However, there may be a few students who have taken the new version. At the same time, most first-time freshmen entering in fall 2017 or later will have been administered the new test. Thus, a significant number of applicants may have both old and new test results.
Beginning with the 2017-18 admission application cycle (beginning October 1, 2017), an new Eligibility Index becomes available for those taking the new SAT exam.
The CSU will accept the Evidence Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and the Mathematics section scores of the SAT to determine the applicant’s CSU minimum eligibility index. The SAT eligibility index formula will remain the same: SAT (scores in mathematics and EBRW) + (800 x high school grade point average). (The CSU Eligibility Index for ACT test takers remain the same.) The following compares the eligibility index for the two SAT versions.
Test Version | In-State Minimum Eligibility Index | Out-of-State Minimum Eligibility Index |
New SAT (March 2016) | 2950 | 3570 |
Old SAT (Pre-March 2016) | 2900 | 3502 |
It is important to note:
- The CSU will accept both old and new SAT scores from students currently in grades 9–12 (graduating in 2020 or prior). This means that students don’t have to take the SAT again just because the test has changed. Any student graduating after 2020, however, will be required to take the new SAT.
- The redesigned (new) SAT and the SAT students may have taken before March 2016 (old version) are two different tests with two different scoring structures. There is no advantage to taking one test over the other, because the College Board provides tables to help colleges compare and interpret scores. These tables, known as concordance tables, act as equalizers.
- If an applicant has taken both the new and old SAT, the total score that is most advantageous to the applicant will be used. Because the new and old SAT tests are not constructed in the same way, CI will only “superscore” with like-tests only (not across the new and old SAT tests). Superscoring is when you combine the best score on each section (math and EBRW/CR) of the test when taken multiple times.
- The essay is not required nor is it recommended for applicants.