Make a Request for WMC Tutoring

Visit our Appointment page to request for synchronous (live in-person/virtual) or  Asynchronous VoiceThread Tutoring.

What is Synchronous and Asynchronous Tutoring?

Synchronous tutoring is a tutoring format that is conduct synchronously or "at the same time":  this means that the tutor and tutee meet and discuss the assignment live, whether it is in-person in physical space or virtually on a video meeting platform like Zoom.  The WMC has primarily provided tutoring that is live/synchronous, through on-on-one tutoring in the physical center in Broome Library or through Zoom.

Asynchronous tutoring is a tutoring format that that involves the tutor and the tutee working at different times.  The assignment might be submitted at one time and the tutor responds and returns the feedback at another time (up to 72 hours after the paper is accepted and assigned to a tutor).  The WMC is exploring Asynchronous Online Tutoring using VoiceThread as a means of providing more flexible options for students.

Why VoiceThread?  Traditional asynchronous online tutoring involves written feedback, such as the feedback comments on the margins of a digital paper on Microsoft Word or Googledocs.  However, written feedback leaves out important nonverbal communication cues such as tone or facial expressions that are critical for trust and learning.  The WMC would like to explore if students feel that asynchronous feedback with VoiceThread (with its mix of textual, vocal, visual, and video recording) is effective.

Asynchronous Tutoring Study (2021-2022)

WMC is conducting a study on asynchronous tutoring with Voicethread and we would love to get your feedback!  Participating students may receive gift cards for answering a survey and/or an interview.  If you want to learn more about our study, please visit our study web page.

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